This paper investigates the performance of different general-game-playing heuristics for games in the Ludii general game system. Based on these results, we train several regression learning models to predict the performance of these heuristics based on each game's description file. We also provide a condensed analysis of the games available in Ludii, and the different ludemes that define them.
翻译:本文调查卢迪一般游戏系统中不同普通游戏游戏游戏的功能。 基于这些结果, 我们训练了几种回归学习模型, 以根据每个游戏的描述文件来预测这些循环游戏的性能。 我们还提供了对卢迪游戏的精密分析, 以及定义这些游戏的不同润滑度。