The Lumiere Project centers on harnessing probability and utility to provide assistance to computer software users. We review work on Bayesian user models that can be employed to infer a users needs by considering a user's background, actions, and queries. Several problems were tackled in Lumiere research, including (1) the construction of Bayesian models for reasoning about the time-varying goals of computer users from their observed actions and queries, (2) gaining access to a stream of events from software applications, (3) developing a language for transforming system events into observational variables represented in Bayesian user models, (4) developing persistent profiles to capture changes in a user expertise, and (5) the development of an overall architecture for an intelligent user interface. Lumiere prototypes served as the basis for the Office Assistant in the Microsoft Office '97 suite of productivity applications.
翻译:Lumiere项目中心是利用概率和实用性向计算机软件用户提供援助。我们审查了巴伊西亚用户模型的工作,这些模型可以通过考虑用户的背景、行动和查询来推断用户的需要。卢米埃项目解决了几个问题,包括:(1) 建造巴伊西亚模型,从观察到的行动和查询中推理计算机用户的时间分布目标;(2) 从软件应用中获取一系列事件;(3) 开发一种语言,将系统活动转化为Bayesian用户模型中的观察变量;(4) 开发持久特征,以捕捉用户专门知识的变化;(5) 开发一个智能用户界面的总体结构;Lumiere原型作为MS Office '97年生产力应用套件中办公室助理的基础。