In resource allocation, it is common to assume that agents have a utility for their allocated items and zero utility for unallocated ones. We refer to such valuation domain as 1-D. This assumption of zero utility for unallocated items is not always valid. For example, in the pandemic, allocation of ventilators, oxygen beds, and critical medical help yields dis-utility to an agent when not received in time, i.e., a setting where people consume resources at the cost of others' utility. Various externalities affect an agent's utility, i.e., when an agent doesn't receive an item, it can result in their gain (positive externalities) or loss (negative externalities). The existing preference models lack capturing the setting with these externalities. We conduct a study on a 2-D domain, where each agent has a utility ($v$) for an item assigned to it and utility ($v'$) for an item not allocated to it. We consider a generalized model, i.e., goods and chores. There is a vast literature to allocate fairly and efficiently. We observe that adapting the existing notions of fairness and efficiency to the 2-D domain is non-trivial. We propose a utility transformation ($T_u$) and valuation transformation ($T_v$) to convert from the 2-D domain to 1-D. We study the retention of fairness and efficiency property given this transformation, i.e., an allocation with property $\mathcal{P}$ in a 1-D domain also satisfies property $\mathcal{P}$ in 2-D, and vice versa. If a property is retainable, we can apply the transformation, and all the existing approaches are valid for the 2-D domain. Further, we study whether we can apply current results in a 2-D domain when they do not retain. We explore fairness notions such as Envy-freeness (EF), Equitability (EQ), Maxmin Share (MMS), and Proportionality and efficiency notions such as Pareto Optimality, Utilitarian Welfare, Nash Welfare, and Egalitarian Welfare.
翻译:在资源分配方面,通常会假定代理商对其分配的项目有用,而对于未分配的项目则零有用。我们把这种估值领域称为 1-D。这种对未分配项目零效用的假设并不总是有效的。例如,在大流行病中,分配通风器、氧床和关键的医疗帮助使代理商在未及时收到时失去效用,即人们以他人的效用为代价消费资源的环境。各种外部效应影响一个代理商的效用,即当一个代理商没有收到一项物品时,它可能导致其增益(正的外部效应)或损失(负的外部效应)。现有的优惠模式没有抓住这些外部因素的设置。我们在一个2-D域进行一项研究,其中每个代理商对分配给它的项目拥有一种效用(美元)和效用(美元),当他们可以将资源消耗量(美元)视为一种普通的模型,也就是, 商品和杂用品。我们还可以保持大量文献来进行分配。我们注意到,在2-D 将现有的公平和效率概念调整到2- 域域域域内,我们提议一个公平和效率的转变是1- 一种不改变。