In this paper, we start by training End-to-End Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) models using Federated Learning (FL) and examining the fundamental considerations that can be pivotal in minimizing the performance gap in terms of word error rate between models trained using FL versus their centralized counterpart. Specifically, we study the effect of (i) adaptive optimizers, (ii) loss characteristics via altering Connectionist Temporal Classification (CTC) weight, (iii) model initialization through seed start, (iv) carrying over modeling setup from experiences in centralized training to FL, e.g., pre-layer or post-layer normalization, and (v) FL-specific hyperparameters, such as number of local epochs, client sampling size, and learning rate scheduler, specifically for ASR under heterogeneous data distribution. We shed light on how some optimizers work better than others via inducing smoothness. We also summarize the applicability of algorithms, trends, and propose best practices from prior works in FL (in general) toward End-to-End ASR models.