We introduce and analyze a simpler and practical variant of multivariate singular spectrum analysis (mSSA), a known time series method to impute and forecast multivariate time series. Towards this, we introduce a spatio-temporal factor model to analyze mSSA. We establish that given $N$ time series and $T$ observations per time series, the in-sample prediction error for both imputation and forecasting under mSSA scales as $1/\sqrt{\min(N, T) T}$. This is an improvement over: (i) the $1/\sqrt{T}$ error scaling one gets for SSA, which is the restriction of mSSA to a univariate time series; (ii) the ${1}/{\min(N, T)}$ error scaling one gets for Temporal Regularized Matrix Factorized (TRMF), a matrix factorization based method for time series prediction. That is, mSSA exploits both the `temporal' and `spatial' structure in a multivariate time series. Our experimental results using various benchmark datasets confirm the characteristics of the spatio-temporal factor model as well as our theoretical findings -- the variant of mSSA we introduce empirically performs as well or better compared to popular neural network based time series methods, LSTM and DeepAR. We discuss various extensions of mSSA we introduce: (i) a variant of mSSA to estimate the time-varying variance of a time series; (ii) a tensor variant of mSSA we call tSSA to further exploit the `temporal' and `spatial' structure in a multivariate time series. The spatio-temporal model considered in our work includes the usual components used to model dynamics in time series analysis such as trends (low order polynomials), seasonality (finite sum of harmonics) and linear time-invariant systems. An important representation result of this work, which might be of interest more broadly, is the `calculus' for such models that we introduce: specifically, instances of the spatio-temporal factor model are closed under addition and multiplication.
翻译:我们引入并分析一个简单而实用的多变单谱分析变量。 这是一个已知的估算和预测多变时间序列的时间序列方法。 为此, 我们引入了一个spatio- 时间因素模型来分析 mSSA 。 我们确定给每个时间序列提供$N美元的时间序列和$T的观测, 在 mSS 尺度下进行估算和预测时序时, 以 $/\ sqrt$( N, T) 为基基基基基基基基。 也就是说, MISA 模型利用了“ 时间” 和“ 通基” 结构, 在多变时间序列中, 将 $1/\ sqrt{T} 美元错误缩放一个。 我们的实验结果, 将 mortimal- 时间序列的估算限制到 univoral 时间序列中 ; 将 $ ${1} 和 taltial maisalal 模型引入了我们当前时间序列的模型, 将我们这个时间序列的模型引入了我们一个更好的模型, 将一个基于时间序列的运行模型的模型, 将我们的数据分析作为我们一个更好的模型。