We study the multilayer random dot product graph (MRDPG) model, an extension of the random dot product graph to multilayer networks. By modelling a multilayer network as an MRDPG, we deploy a tensor-based method and demonstrate its superiority over existing approaches. Moving to dynamic MRDPGs, we focus on online change point detection problems. At every time point, we observe a realisation from an MRDPG. Across layers, we assume shared common node sets and latent positions but allow for different connectivity matrices. We propose efficient algorithms for both fixed and random latent position cases, minimising detection delay while controlling false alarms. Notably, in the random latent position case, we devise a novel nonparametric change point detection algorithm with a kernel estimator in its core, allowing for the case when the density does not exist, accommodating stochastic block models as special cases. Our theoretical findings are supported by extensive numerical experiments, with the code available online https://github.com/MountLee/MRDPG.