This article introduces the special issue "Technology Ethics in Action: Critical and Interdisciplinary Perspectives". In response to recent controversies about the harms of digital technology, discourses and practices of "tech ethics" have proliferated across the tech industry, academia, civil society, and government. Yet despite the seeming promise of ethics, tech ethics in practice suffers from several significant limitations: tech ethics is vague and toothless, has a myopic focus on individual engineers and technology design, and is subsumed into corporate logics and incentives. These limitations suggest that tech ethics enables corporate "ethics-washing": embracing the language of ethics to defuse criticism and resist government regulation, without committing to ethical behavior. Given these dynamics, I describe tech ethics as a terrain of contestation where the central debate is not whether ethics is desirable, but what "ethics" entails and who gets to define it. Current approaches to tech ethics are poised to enable technologists and technology companies to label themselves as "ethical" without substantively altering their practices. Thus, those striving for structural improvements in digital technologies must be mindful of the gap between ethics as a mode of normative inquiry and ethics as a practical endeavor. In order to better evaluate the opportunities and limits of tech ethics, I propose a sociotechnical approach that analyzes tech ethics in light of who defines it and what impacts it generates in practice.
翻译:本文介绍了“技术伦理在行动中:关键和跨学科的观点”这一特殊问题。 针对最近关于数字技术危害的争论,“技术伦理”的言论和做法在技术产业、学术界、民间社会和政府中蔓延。尽管似乎有道德的希望,但实践的技术伦理却存在若干重大限制:技术伦理模糊不清,没有牙,对个体工程师和技术设计具有神秘的侧重,并被纳入公司逻辑和激励措施。这些限制表明,技术伦理有助于公司“洗礼道德”:接受道德语言,以抑制批评和抵制政府监管,而不必承诺道德行为。鉴于这些动态,我将技术伦理描述为竞争的舞台,核心辩论是否可取,但“道德”意味着什么,谁可以界定它。目前的技术伦理方法可以使技术专家和技术公司在不从根本上改变其做法的情况下将自己标为“道德”。因此,那些努力从结构上改进数字技术的人必须注意到道德作为规范调查和道德规范做法的一种模式与实践方法之间的差距,在实际技术研究中将它定义为技术伦理的哪些机会。