In a topology optimization setting, design-dependent fluidic pressure loads pose several challenges as their direction, magnitude, and location alter with topology evolution. This paper offers a compact 100-line MATLAB code, TOPress, for topology optimization of structures subjected to fluidic pressure loads using the method of moving asymptotes. The code is intended for pedagogical purposes and aims to ease the beginners' and students' learning toward topology optimization with design-dependent fluidic pressure loads. TOPress is developed per the approach first reported in Kumar et al. (Struct Multidisc Optim 61(4):1637-1655, 2020). The Darcy law, in conjunction with the drainage term, is used to model the applied pressure load. The consistent nodal loads are determined from the obtained pressure field. The employed approach facilitates inexpensive computation of the load sensitivities using the adjoint-variable method. Compliance minimization subject to volume constraint optimization problems are solved. The success and efficacy of the code are demonstrated by solving benchmark numerical examples involving pressure loads, wherein the importance of load sensitivities is also demonstrated. TOPress contains six main parts, is described in detail, and is extended to solve different problems. Steps to include a projection filter are provided to achieve loadbearing designs close to~0-1. The code is provided in Appendix~B and can also be downloaded along with its extensions from \url{}.
翻译:在拓扑优化中,设计依赖的流体压力载荷会随着拓扑变化其方向、大小和位置发生变化,这给优化过程带来了很大挑战。本文提供了一种紧凑的 MATLAB 代码 TOPress,使用移动渐进线法来实现受设计依赖的流体压力载荷下的结构拓扑优化。该代码旨在用于教育目的,旨在帮助初学者和学生了解面向流体压力载荷下的拓扑优化。TOPress 基于 Kumar 等人于2020年首次报告的方法开发而来。通过Darcy定律结合排水项来模拟所施加的压力载荷,并从获得的压力场确定连续节点载荷。所采用的方法可使用共轭变量法实现低成本的负载灵敏度计算,同时满足约束下的有效性最小化优化问题。通过解决涉及压力载荷的基准数值示例来演示代码的成功和有效性,其中还证明了负载灵敏度的重要性。TOPress包括六个主要部分,详细描述了其扩展求解不同问题。还提供了包括投影滤波器的步骤,以实现接近于 0-1 的承载设计。代码在附录 B 中提供,并可从网址 上下载其扩展。