In agreements among anonymous users, smart contract eliminate the need for a trusted intermediary and enforce its terms when the conditions set by the parties are met. Smart contracts can also have access to real-world data through oracle services, an emerging feature of smart contract systems. This means that anonymous users can bet on an event and the financial benefit gives them the incentive to contribute to that event occurrence. More specifically, a smart contract stimulates new forms of trustless collaboration through betting. This encourages collaborative work in the context of distributed digital service, e.g., content distribution or file storage but it can be used for collaborative attacks (e.g., DDoS) since users need neither trust anybody nor reveal their identity. In this paper, we present a collaboration framework based on an incentive mechanism implemented in a smart contract. To explore the feasibility of malicious collaboration, we the case of a collaborative distributed denial of service attack in which multiple minibotnet bet on a sponsored DDoS attack. The attackers' interaction is formulated as a game and it's shown that the attackers will collaborate in proportion to the amount of their bets. There is a possibility that a user pretends to be several parties, it is hard to know the exact number of bidding users or the amount of their bids, which are essential for predicting the attack result. We model the proposed smart contract as an incentive mechanism and prove that users will not misrepresent the amount of their bets. So based on each user's amount of bet and the attack result (reported by the oracle), each user's share of reward is calculated. The numerical simulations show that if the attack-target uses the attack details to prepare and defend, by increasing the cost of producing effective attack traffic, they can change the result and so prevent such attack.