The field of scientific publishing that is served by LaTeX is increasingly dependent on the availability of metadata about publications. We discuss how to use LaTeX classes and BibTeX styles to curate metadata throughout the life cycle of a published article. Our focus is on streamlining and automating much of publishing workflow. We survey the various options and drawbacks of the existing approaches and outline our approach as applied in a new LaTeX style file where we have as main goal to make it easier for authors to specify their metadata only once and use this throughout the entire publishing pipeline. We believe this can help to reduce the cost of publishing, by reducing the amount of human effort required for editing and providing of publication metadata.
翻译:摘要:LaTeX服务的科学出版领域越来越依赖于关于出版物的元数据的可用性。我们讨论如何使用LaTeX classes和BibTeX styles在发布的文章的整个生命周期中策划元数据。我们的重点是简化和自动化出版工作流程。我们调查了现有方法的各种选项和缺点,并概述了我们的方法,即应用于新的LaTeX样式文件,我们的主要目标是让作者只需指定其元数据一次,就可以在整个出版管道中使用它。我们认为,这可以帮助减少出版成本,通过减少编辑和提供出版元数据所需的人力投入。