We show that the maximum number of pairwise non-overlapping $k$-rich lenses (lenses formed by at least $k$ circles) in an arrangement of $n$ circles in the plane is $O\left(\frac{n^{3/2}\log{(n/k^3)}}{k^{5/2}} + \frac{n}{k} \right)$, and the sum of the degrees of the lenses of such a family (where the degree of a lens is the number of circles that form it) is $O\left(\frac{n^{3/2}\log{(n/k^3)}}{k^{3/2}} + n\right)$. Two independent proofs of these bounds are given, each interesting in its own right (so we believe). We then show that these bounds lead to the known bound of Agarwal et al. (JACM 2004) and Marcus and Tardos (JCTA 2006) on the number of point-circle incidences in the plane. Extensions to families of more general algebraic curves and some other related problems are also considered.
翻译:我们显示,在平面上以美元圆圆圆(美元圆圆至少构成的圆圆圆)的安排中,双向不重叠美元富含的透镜的最大数量是美元(left)(n/k}3⁄2 ⁇ log{(n/k}} ⁇ k ⁇ 5/2 ⁇ +\frac{n ⁇ k}\right)$,而这种家庭透镜的大小(透镜的深度是形成透镜的圆圈的数目)是美元(left(\frac{n ⁇ 3/2 ⁇ log{(n/k__3)} ⁇ k ⁇ 3/2 ⁇ +n\right)$。给出了两个独立的这些界限的证明,每个范围都有自身的兴趣(因此我们相信)。 我们然后表明,这些界限导致已知的Agarwal等人(JACM 2004年)和Marcus和Tardos(JCTA)的界限,其形状是圆圈子的大小。在平面中也考虑了向较一般的白形曲线的家属扩展。