项目名称: 层数可控反射式石墨烯饱和吸收镜的制备及性能研究
项目编号: No.61205174
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 信息四处
项目作者: 姜守振
作者单位: 山东师范大学
项目金额: 28万元
中文摘要: 超快脉冲激光因具有优异的特性广泛应用于基础科学研究、超快激光光谱、量子相干控制、微加工、光通讯和分子反应动力学等领域。石墨烯既有半导体可饱和吸收镜(SESAM)的优点又具有宽吸收带和宽带可调制的优秀饱和吸收材料。本课题采用化学气相沉积方法制备高质量大面积单层石墨烯单晶材料,经过湿法转移石墨烯到不同规格激光高反镜上,制备一系列层数可控反射式石墨烯饱和吸收镜,获取不同的光学吸收特性,以满足不同激光振荡中心波长的需要,用于固体激光器,实现亚皮秒量级1~2 μm波段连续锁模激光稳定输出。与目前锁模激光器广泛使用的半导体和碳纳米管饱和吸收体相比,石墨烯饱和吸收镜具有热损伤阈值高、饱和强度低、恢复时间短、调制深度大、波长调谐范围宽和价格便宜等优点,有利于实现高功率、长时间稳定的锁模运转。本课题对加强我国新型材料基础研究和促进新型光电器件的应用与开发、加快我国高新技术产业步伐和国防建设都有重要意义。
中文关键词: 石墨烯;饱和吸收镜;层数可控;反射式;锁模
英文摘要: Ultrafast pulsed laser,having excellent characteristics,is widely used in basic scientific research, ultrafast laser spectroscopy, quantum coherent control, micro-processing, optical communications and molecular reaction dynamics. The graphene, having both the advantages of SESAM and broad absorption band and broadband modulation, is an excellent saturable absorber material. High-quality large-area graphene single crystal materials are prepared by chemical vapor deposition method. Graphene is transferred to the different high reflector by using wet-transfer method. The number of graphene layers, on the reflection saturable absorber mirror, is controlled accurately. The graphene saturable absorber mirrors have different optical absorption band features to meet the needs of the wavelength of the laser oscillation center. It can achieve sub-picosecond 1~2 μm continuous mode-locked laser stable output,in solid-state lasers. Compared with the widely used semiconductor and carbon nanotube saturable absorber in mode-locked laser, graphene saturable absorber has lot of advantages, such as high thermal damage threshold, low saturation intensity, ultra-fast recovery time, great modulation depth,wide wavelength tuning range,cheap and so on. It is conducive to the realization of high power, long and stable mode-locked opera
英文关键词: graphene;saturable absorber mirrors;layers controllable;reflective;mode-locked