项目名称: 全光纤超短长度飞秒激光被动同步技术的研究
项目编号: No.61475076
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 冯鸣
作者单位: 南开大学
项目金额: 82万元
中文摘要: 飞秒激光脉冲同步技术具有重要应用,开发全光纤超短长度的飞秒激光脉冲同步技术具有重要意义。本项目提出开展基于石墨烯和微纳光纤的全光纤超短长度飞秒激光脉冲被动同步技术研究,将石墨烯薄膜覆盖在微纳光纤拉制的波分复用(WDM)耦合器锥区构建同步装置。进行同步的飞秒激光通过微纳光纤构成的WDM耦合器进行混合,并通过倏逝波对石墨烯的可饱和吸收特性进行调制,从而实现被动同步。该同步方案充分利用了石墨烯的可饱和吸收特性和超宽带响应特性,使两列激光可以在很短的距离内实现同步,且适用波段范围广;以微纳光纤为传输载体,通过微纳光纤周围的强倏逝场实现激光与石墨烯的耦合,既保持了全光纤的结构,又能够通过改变光纤直径方便地控制耦合强度;同时构建WDM耦合器,可使激光脉冲的混合和同步同时进行,使得装置结构更加紧凑。该被动同步技术具有如下优点:更宽的波长适用范围;更简便的制备过程;更简单的器件结构;更高的系统集成度。
中文关键词: 光纤激光器;飞秒激光脉冲;全光纤;微纳光纤;石墨烯
英文摘要: Synchronization of ultrashort pulses is essential for many applications. Synchronizing mode-locked lasers with all fiber structure and ultrashort fiber length is strongly demanded. In this proposal, we will develop all fiber structure ultrashort laser synchronization technic based on graphene and microfiber. Laser synchronization is caused by graphene covered on WDM coupler constructed by microfiber. By employing the wideband and ultrafast saturable absorption of graphene, laser synchronization can be achieved in ultrashort distance. With the optical field around the microfiber, laser pulses will have flexible couple with the graphene by changing the diameter of the microfiber, while the all fiber structure is maintained. When the graphene is covered on the tapered region of WDM coupler, the mix and synchronization of laser pulses can be accomplished at the same time, the synchronization device will be more compact. Using the new design, we will fabricate broader bandwidth, easier preparation process, more simple structure and compact all fiber synchronization device.
英文关键词: fiber laser;femtosecond laser pulses;all-fiber;microfiber;graphene