项目名称: 混凝土结构中超声传播特性及其图像重建的研究
项目编号: No.61302124
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 范洪辉
作者单位: 江苏理工学院
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 针对超声波CT在混凝土内部结构检测时难以直接成像进行定量检测的问题,本研究通过带有混凝土内部结构信息的超声渡越时间参数(Time of flight,TOF),基于有序子集最大期望值迭代算法,开展基于超声波传播特性的图像精准重建的创新性研究,构建近似医疗CT的混凝土超声成像系统。本项目主要研究内容为:(1)研究超声波基于波动性传播的图像重建模型,构建基于混凝土特性的超声成像系统;(2)超声波动传播中驱动正弦波傅立叶变换与渡越时间参数正规化;(3)研究针对测量物体渡越时间参数的全域化,对已经成功应用于医疗的成像算法进行改进,使之适应于混凝土成像。本研究预期揭示混凝土内部超声波波动传播与超声图像重建之间的关系,实现混凝土内部空洞或不密实区甚至混凝土内部钢筋结构的定量分析与检测,项目研究成果可为混凝土质量的科学检测进一步奠定理论和方法基础。
中文关键词: 无损检测;渡越时间参数;混凝土构件;超声图像重建;有序子集最大期望值迭代
英文摘要: The research on the application of computed tomography for quality inspection of concrete is being done, it will be very appropriate for regular testing and in situnondestructive testing during concrete construction exists. The ultrasonic wave for nondestructive testing of concrete was repeatedly identified as being of high priority. Currently, the content of concrete inspection is cracked and holes. Ultrasonic time of flight use ultrasonic signal which through the interior of measured object to reconstruct ultrasonic images. At the ultrasonic time of flight computed tomography, the spatial distribution of sound velocity is estimated, so using ultrasonic time of flight we can get concrete structure images. This research aims to evaluate the internal structure of concrete material configuration using ultrasonic computed tomography imaging technique. We propose ultrasonic volatility transmission to reconstruct concrete image, explore the relationship between the ultrasonic volatility transmission and accurate reconstruction of ultrasonic images. The main contents of our research: (1) Concrete has an anisotropic property for ultrasonic, it is influential to accurately find the position of the holes in reconstruction images. So, construction of ultrasonic wave propagation for concrete inspection by ultrasonic CT on
英文关键词: nondestructive testing;time of flight data;concrete member;ultrasonic image reconstruction;maximum likelihood expectation maximum