项目名称: 嵌入式系统构件模型的领域语义检查方法研究
项目编号: No.61202010
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 计算机科学学科
项目作者: 张荷花
作者单位: 清华大学
项目金额: 22万元
中文摘要: 构件化建模技术被广泛应用于嵌入式系统的设计和开发。为确保嵌入式系统构件化建模的正确性,检查构件之间连接是否正确至关重要。随着构件模型的不断增大,构件之间的连接交互增多,正确性检查越来越困难。常规的语义检查基于类型系统实现,能够判定数据类型是否匹配,却难以检测更为丰富的领域语义约束,不能满足嵌入式系统构件模型对正确性的严格要求。本项目研究能够一致解决构件模型连接许可、单位、含义、错位等多种错误的领域语义检查方法。提出基于本体的领域约束描述语言,一致严格的描述各种领域约束;提出领域语义自动标注方法,建立构件与领域语义的有效映射;提出基于领域语义的构件模型一致性检查方法,能够自适应领域约束的变动。研究成果将针对如列车控制等应用领域,在多种嵌入式系统建模语言工具中进行实例验证,以检验本研究方法的通用性和有效性。
中文关键词: 嵌入式系统;构件模型;领域规则;语义标注;一致性检查
英文摘要: Component-based modeling is a popular method to design and develop embedded systems. To ensure the correctness of the model, it is vital to check whether the connections among components are correct. With the increased scale of embedded systems, the amounts of connections and interactions increase. It becomes harder to check whether the connections are correct. Conventional semantic checking is based on type systems. Although type systems can check the mismatch of data types on the connected ports, it is hard to check whether the more sophisticated domain constraints are satisfied. Type systems are insufficient for the correctness-critical requests on components of embedded systems. In this project, we study on the methods to uniformly solve various domain-specific semantic errors, like forbidden connections, unit errors, mismatch of domain-specific semantics, transposition errors. We propose an ontology-based domain constraints specification language, which can uniformly and rigorously describe various domain constraints. We propose the automatic annotation method of domain-specific semantics, to build effectively the mappings between a component and its domain-specific semantics. We propose the consistency checking method for components, based on domain-specific semantics, which is self-adaptive to the modifi
英文关键词: Embedded systems;compoment models;domain specific rules;semantic annotation;correctness checking