项目名称: 轨道交通环境边界层湍流的高频电波折射率结构机理
项目编号: No.61271061
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 赵恒凯
作者单位: 上海大学
项目金额: 76万元
中文摘要: 大气湍流折射率结构机理是地球环境中电波可靠传播的重要理论基础,然而,微波至毫米波频段的高频电波折射率结构常数模型尚未建立。"轨道交通安全运营"等重大现实问题对电波可靠传播通信提出迫切需求,而轨道交通的边界层湍流是其电波可靠传播的潜在重要作用因素。为探索其机理,理论上,提出"流场速度-压强耦合脉动致折射率结构"的构想,以诠释轨道交通的高速运动、以隧道为典型建筑架构等的特殊环境特点对于边界层湍流折射率结构的作用机制;方法上,设计"基于隧道管状结构环境的边界层湍流电波传播同步传感"的研究方法,以解决大气湍流宏观状态特性随机变化的监测的难点问题。在此基础上,以隧道环境边界层湍流的毫米电波传播效应研究为切入点,阐明温湿湍流掺混作用、隧道流场速度脉动效应等关键作用特性和机制,揭示折射率结构机理。从而,为轨道交通边界层湍流的高频电波折射率结构常数模型建立理论基础,为实现其电波可靠传播通信提供科学思路。
中文关键词: 边界层湍流;折射率结构;轨道交通;电波传播;无线通信
英文摘要: The refractive-index structure mechanism of atmospheric turbulence is an important theoretical basis for reliable radio propagation in the Earth's enviroment, but the refractive-index structure parameter model for high frequency radio from microwave to millimeter-wave has not been established until now. However, the operational safety of rail transportation, emerging as a significant practical issue, puts forward urgent demand for reliable radio propagation of communication in the railway circumstance. And that, rail traffic's boundary layer turbulence is a potential important factor for the reliable radio propagation. To explore its mechanism, we propose a theoretical hypothesis of "Flow velocity-pressure coupling pulsation leads to refractive-index constructing", to interpret the action on turbulence's refractive-index structure by the high-speed motion and typical tunnel architecture of rail traffic; and develop a research method of "Synchronous sensing of radio propagation through boundary layer turbulence based on tubular space structure of tunnel ", to resolve the difficult problem in detecting random variation of atmospheric tubulence's status characteristics. Based on the hypothesis and method, the reaserch of millimetre wave propagation effects through boundary layer tubulence of tunnel circumstance is
英文关键词: Boundary layer turbulence;Refractive-index structure;Rail transit;Radio propagation;Radio communication