项目名称: 模型驱动的动态多目标演化算法和它在求解耗时的星载天线优化设计中的应用
项目编号: No.61271140
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 曾三友
作者单位: 中国地质大学(武汉)
项目金额: 88万元
中文摘要: 天线设计问题是一类非线性、多目标、多约束的优化问题;同时因其耗时的电磁仿真计算,它还是昂贵优化问题。本课题从此类天线设计难题出发,建立并论证动态多目标优化问题逼近天线设计昂贵问题理论体系;设计适合于该类问题的预测模型,研究基于预测模型的动态多目标演化算法的计算形式,使算法最大限度地避免耗时计算;并行实现基于模型预测的动态多目标演化算法,缩短解题周期;通过基于模型的动态多目标演化算法求解动态多目标优化问题的途径,达到求解天线设计昂贵优化问题的目的;针对卫星小型化趋势和本演化天线技术特点,重点设计微小卫星天线,测试并改进昂贵演化天线技术。沿着这个技术路线展开研究,将能在缩短天线设计周期、星载天线自动设计及设计新型天线上获得突破性进展,同时丰富非线性动态多目标昂贵优化理论成果。研究成果还可以应用到其它大型工程和科学规划、军事对抗与指挥决策、工业和工程设计等众多普遍存在昂贵优化领域。
中文关键词: 演化计算;天线设计;动态多目标优化;模型预测;昂贵优化
英文摘要: Antenna design, which is usually a kind of nonlinear multiobjective optimization problem with constraints, is normally an expensive problem as well due to the time-consuming computation of electromagnetic. This project will construct a theoretical system in that a dynamic multiobjective optimization problem converges the expensive problem of the antenna design. A predict model will be designed for predicting performance of a solution in dynamic multiobjective evolutionary algorithm. Then the algorithm will largely reduce calculations. At the same time, the model based dynamic multiobjective evolutionary algorithm will be implemented in parallel for reducing period in solving the problem. By way of solving the dynamic multiobjective optimization problem, the model based algorithm will solve the expensive problem of antenna design. The performance of the model based algorithm will be tested and improved in designing some antennae of micro satellites, such as CubeSat antenna, NASA ST5 antenna, and so on, considering minimization of satellite. By following the program of this proposal, great achievement would be obtained in reduction of antenna design period, automation of satellite antenna design and invention of new antenna, while theory for solving non-linear dynamic multiobjective expensive problem would be
英文关键词: Evolutionary Computation;Antenna Design;Dynamic Multiobjective;Model-Based Prediction;Expensive Optimization