项目名称: 液固两相流对弯管的腐蚀磨损耦合破坏机制研究
项目编号: No.51301201
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 一般工业技术
项目作者: 刘建国
作者单位: 中国石油大学(华东)
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 多相流腐蚀磨损越来越成为油气田的主要危害之一,管线内部尤其是弯管部位常受到液固两相流腐蚀磨损而面临局部腐蚀失效的巨大风险。由于传统腐蚀实验技术利用整体电极仅能提供平均电化学信息这一局限、流体动力学和腐蚀动力学的相互耦合的不确定性以及对弯管损伤监测的困难,目前对液固两相流作用下弯管的局部破坏机制仍然缺乏深刻的认识。因此本课题将两相流数值模拟与小试样失重法、丝束集成电极法相结合,定量研究磨损、腐蚀及其耦合作用在弯管不同微区损伤的贡献,分析建立弯管内壁流体动力学模型并评价流体动力学对腐蚀保护膜的影响,研究液固两相流对弯管腐蚀磨损耦合破坏机制,建立液固两相流对弯管腐蚀磨损动力学模型。该研究属于流体动力学和腐蚀动力学之间相互耦合的科学问题,对于在理论上弄清弯管的腐蚀磨损耦合破坏机制,在实践上指导腐蚀磨损环境下多相流管道设计、发展混输管路有效内防腐措施具有重要意义。
中文关键词: 两相流;弯管;流体动力学;腐蚀磨损;损伤机制
英文摘要: Corrosive wear in multiphase flow condition has increasingly become one of the major hazards in oil and gas fields. Pipelines, especially elbow sites in liquid-solid two phase flow often subject to corrosive wear and face huge risk of localized corrosion failure. Due to the limitations that the traditional corrosion test can provide only the average electrochemical information of the whole electrode, coupling uncertainties of hydrodynamics and corrosion kinetics, and difficulties of the elbow injury monitoring, the local failure mechanism of elbows by interaction of corrosion and wear is still in talking. Therefore, combined with numerical simulation, weight loss method of small samples and the wire beam electrode technique are employed to monitor the corrosion, wear and the interaction contribution to the total damage in different regions of the elbow quantitatively. The hydrodynamics model is established, and the influence on the corrosion protective film is assessed. The failure mechanism of elbows by interaction of corrosion and wear is studied, and the corrosion-wear kinetics model of the elbow in liquid-solid two phase flow is established. This study belongs to the interaction scientific issues of the hydrodynamics and corrosion kinetics, and it is with important value and scientific significance to clarif
英文关键词: two-phase flow;elbow;hydrodynamics;corrosive wear;damage mechanism