项目名称: 水下运动目标辐射噪声源定位识别方法研究
项目编号: No.11274253
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 杨益新
作者单位: 西北工业大学
项目金额: 90万元
中文摘要: 通过近距离测量水下航行器运动时的辐射噪声并进而实现多个离散噪声源的准确定位,可为航行器减振降噪提供重要的参考。针对传统噪声测量分析方法精度较低、无法区分多个离散噪声源的问题,本项目提出通过采用高阶声场传感器阵列,结合多普勒分析,实现空域和频域联合的水下运动目标离散噪声源定位与识别。重点研究高阶传感器阵列接收水下航行器低频辐射噪声时的频域多普勒不变超指向性波束形成,并基于空域波束输出,在频域进行运动声源的多普勒扫描分析,估计出各个离散噪声源与测量接收点之间的最近通过时间,进而给出离散噪声源沿水下航行器表面的分布。开展水池和湖上、海上实验研究,采用低频声源模拟离散噪声源,分析噪声源分布尺度、测试环境、低频声传播等因素对噪声源定位与识别的影响,完善定位与识别方法,使本项目研究的原理、方法和技术在水下航行器离散噪声源定位中获得良好的应用效果。
中文关键词: 离散噪声源;定位与识别;多普勒分析;时频分析;波束域处理
英文摘要: Localization and identification of discrete noise sources distributed on underwater vehicle are often achieved through measurement of radiated noise from moving vehicle at small distance, and the result plays an important role in vibration and noise reduction of underwater vehicle. Conventional measurement methods cannot identify multiple discrete noise sources of moving vehicle, and also have low precision of localization. We propose a combination framework of localization and identification in joint domain of space and frequency, which uses high order acoustic sensor array to get spatial resolution, and Doppler analysis to get frequency resolution. The research will firstly focus on the Doppler invariant super directive beamforming of high order acoustic sensor array for low frequency radiated noise from moving underwater vehicle. Based on the beamforming output in spatial domain, the Doppler frequency analysis and scanning for moving sources will then carried out in frequency domain, and the nearest distance between moving vehicle and acoustic center of receiving array can be estimated, so that the distribution of discrete noise sources along the surface of underwater vehicle will be obtained at last. Experiments in water tank, lake and at sea will be carried out in this project. Discrete low frequency
英文关键词: discrete noise sources;Localization and identification;Doppler analysis;time-frequency analysis;Bamspace processing