项目名称: 多时相多角度高光谱遥感图像超分辨方法研究
项目编号: No.41301499
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 天文学、地球科学
项目作者: 马江林
作者单位: 中国科学院遥感与数字地球研究所
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 本项目将关注于多时相多角度高光谱遥感图像的超分辨重建。通过利用多幅低分辨图像之间的亚像元差异,超分辨已经证实为一种有效地提高图像空间分辨率的手段。从1984年超分辨技术最先应用到LANDSAT 4卫星数据以来,超分辨技术在不同传感器数据上获得了广泛的应用。高光谱遥感影像的出现为超分辨技术提供了新的应用空间,这主要是因为高光谱影像一般具备很低的分辨率而高光谱传感器平台具有的多时相和多角度的特点往往使得超分辨重建成为可能。本项目的主要目标是在分析高光谱图像成像特点的基础上,研究高光谱图像对超分辨重建带来的挑战和机遇,开发一套实用的高光谱遥感影像超分辨重建的算法和程序,同时探讨高光谱超分辨重建对自动图像解译(图像分类和混合像元分解)的影响。
中文关键词: 高光谱;点扩展函数;ASIFT;;
英文摘要: This project will focus on multi-temporal and multi-angle superresolution reconstruction of hyperspectral remote sensing imagery. By making full advantage of the complementary information provided by the subtle sub-pixel shifts between a set of low resolution images of the same scene, superresolution has proved to be an efficient way of increasing the spatial resolution of target remote sensing imagery since it was first applied to multi-temporal LANDSAT 4 remote sensing data back in 1984. New opportunities for superresolution have occurred as an increasing number of recently available hyperspectral sensors suffer from low resolution but have the potential of increasing their resolution via superresolution techniques. For example,the Compact High Resolution Imaging Spectrometer onboard the Project for On-board Autonomy (CHRIS/Proba), which has the highest spatial resolution (18m) among all the space-borne hypersepctral sensors, are equipped with multi-angle capabilities providing multiple low resolution images suitable for superresolution image reconstruction. The main objective of this research is to develop practical and operationally applicable hyperspectral superresolution algorithms and procedures, while investigating the potential of superresolution to bridge the gap between high resolution airborne imager
英文关键词: Hyperspectral;Point spread function;ASIFT;;