项目名称: 量子计算算法设计与实现方法研究
项目编号: No.61502526
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 自动化技术、计算机技术
项目作者: 付向群
作者单位: 中国人民解放军战略支援部队信息工程大学
项目金额: 21万元
中文摘要: Shor量子计算算法和Grover量子搜索算法的提出,使得量子计算机的强大并行计算能力得到了充分展示,对现代密码提出了严峻的挑战,量子计算算法的研究越来越受关注。量子计算机并不是万能的,不能有效的解决所有困难问题,因而亟需设计新的量子计算算法,为现代密码安全性提供理论依据。在现有技术条件下,大维数量子寄存器难于生成,因而同样需要研究量子计算算法的实现方法。然而在量子计算机上实现量子计算算法的代价高且操控难,因而,研究学者开始探索在经典计算机上仿真量子计算算法的方法。为此本课题将深入研究量子计算算法的设计,重点研究量子计算算法的实现方法,探讨研究量子计算算法的仿真方法。
中文关键词: 量子计算算法;量子Fourier变换;半经典量子Fourier变换
英文摘要: The presentation of Shor’s and Grover’s quantum algorithm, which shows the powerful ability of quantum computer in parallel computation, brings huge impact to the modern cipher. And the quantum computation gains much more focus. However, there are some difficult problem, which can’t be solved on quantum computer. Thus it is badly in need of designing new quantum computation, which can provide a basis of the cryptographic security. It is difficult to produce big dimension on the current technology. And it is also need to do research on the implementation of quantum computation. But implementing quantum computation is costly and difficult. And researchers begin to explore simulation for quantum computation on classical computer. In this project, we will study designing, implementation and simulation of the quantum computation.
英文关键词: quantum algorithm;quantum Fourier transform;semiclassical quantum Fourier transform