项目名称: 基于能量传递原理构建胶体半导体量子点薄膜及其LED的发光性质研究
项目编号: No.11274304
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 赵家龙
作者单位: 吉林师范大学
项目金额: 87万元
中文摘要: 利用能量传递和电荷分离原理,优化量子点结构和构建高性能的胶体半导体量子点薄膜发光层是获得高效率量子点发光二极管(LED)的关键科学问题。本项目将利用各种半导体壳层和有机功能分子,调控量子点之间的电子耦合,制备高性能量子点薄膜发光层,实现对从有机/无机电荷传输材料到发光层的电荷注入/能量传递、量子点层中载流子传输/激子能量传递和激子复合发光过程的调控以获得高效量子点LED。合成各种高效发光的核壳量子点和在有机/无机电荷传输层上制备量子点固体以及测定它们的光/热稳定性;研究量子点薄膜中的能量传递和电荷分离等过程,分析量子点的壳层结构和表面功能分子对薄膜的发光效率和结构的影响;研究有机/无机电荷传输材料到量子点发光层的能量传递和电荷注入效率改善机制,理解量子点薄膜性质与多层结构量子点LED的性能关系。上述关键科学问题的研究对量子点及其器件结构优化和性能改进及量子点LED的商品化提供物理基础。
中文关键词: 量子点;量子点发光二极管;电致发光;能量传递;纳米晶
英文摘要: Understanding the control of energy transfer and charge separation processes in the highly efficient luminescent colloidal semiconductor quantum dot (QD) based thin films used as emissive layers and optimizing the structures of the QDs and their light-emitting diodes (LEDs) is the key scientific question for obtaining highly efficient QD-LEDs. In this work several kinds of core/shell QDs with the surface modification of semiconductor shells with different thicknesses and organic functional molecules and their high performance films with controlled thicknesses are used to control the electronic coupling between QDs for achieving highly efficient QD-LEDs, realizing the control of charge/energy transfer from organic/inorganic charge transport materials to the QD films and charge transport/energy transfer between QDs for enhancing the quantum efficiencies of exciton emissions in the films. The research project includes the following works: 1)the preparation of highly efficient photoluminescent core/shell QDs and their high performance solid films on organic/inorganic charge transport layers as well as the measurement of the photo/thermal stability; 2) the study of energy/charge transfer in QD thin films for understanding the effect of the QD structures on the luminescent, electrical and structural properties of the
英文关键词: Quantum dots;Quantum dot light emitting diodes;Electroluminescence;Energy transfer;Nanocrystals