项目名称: 氧化铅(PbO)强化难处理高铜金精矿氰化浸出过程的基础研究
项目编号: No.51474169
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 矿业工程
项目作者: 杨玮
作者单位: 西安建筑科技大学
项目金额: 80万元
中文摘要: 本项目针对小秦岭阳平矿区难处理的高铜金精矿,通过热力学、电化学及动力学研究,探明助浸剂氧化铅作用下的氰化浸出体系中矿物的表面性质变化和界面电化学行为规律,确定助浸剂氧化铅对界面化学反应的影响;建立强化浸金动力学模型,获取强化金浸出的主要速度控制环节和动力学影响因素,通过优化和控制相关参数,提高金浸出率,降低其他贱金属矿物浸出率,减少浸出药剂的消耗;探明氰化浸出过程中氧化铅对铜矿物产生抑制屏蔽和对金产生的促进强化作用的内在反应机制及相关性,揭示高铜金精矿氰化浸金被氧化铅强化的作用机理,建立基于选择性强化的助浸剂与浸出剂协同作用的新理论和新方法。本课题的研究成果为解决难处理高铜金精矿的直接氰化和综合回收难题提供理论支持,对多金属难处理金精矿强化浸金也有重要的现实借鉴意义。
中文关键词: 氧化铅;难处理高铜金精矿;强化浸金
英文摘要: By the study of thermodynamics, electrochemistry and kinetics in cyanide leaching of refractory copper-rich gold concentrate in Xiaoqinling Yangping Mining Zone, the changes of surface properties and interface electrochemistry characteristics in gold cyanidation system in the presence of lead oxide were demonstrated and the effect of lead oxide in interface chemical reaction was determined. By the construction of enhancing leaching kinetics model, rate-determining steps and factors effecting kinetics were obtained and through the optimization of certain factors, gold leaching yield was increased while basic metals leaching yield decreased, thus consumption of leaching reagent decreased. Intrinsic reaction mechanism and correlation of the inhibitive shielding of lead oxide on copper as well as the enhancing action of lead oxide on gold were illustrated, moreover, the reaction mechanism of lead oxide in enhancing gold leaching yield in cyanide leaching process of copper-rich concentrate was revealed and new methodology based on synergy of selective enhancing aid leaching reagent and leaching reagent was put forward in this study. The research results in this study have offered a theoretical foundation in the direct cyanidation and comprehensive recovery of refractory copper-rich gold concentrate. Furthermore, it is of great referential and practical significance to enhancing leaching of refractory multi-metal gold concentrate.
英文关键词: lead oxide;refractory copper-rich gold concentrate;enhanced gold leaching