项目名称: 基于实验的固体中微裂纹系统演化的多元随机变量分析研究
项目编号: No.11272234
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 齐刚
作者单位: 天津科技大学
项目金额: 82万元
中文摘要: 固体材料的损伤本质上是由微裂纹的形态、分布及其演化所决定。微裂纹系统及其演化的描述涉及复杂的多重非线性,如微裂纹在空间和时间上分布、演化的无序性、多尺度性、耦合性和随机性等。为了更科学的评价和使用材料,特别是随着对材料细微组织的深入认识和精密制造的要求,建立有物理基础的材料损伤描述是必需的。鉴于目前理论模型尚无法准确描述损伤的物理机理,探索检测材料损伤及其演化的实验手段就显得尤为重要。项目基于材料微损伤与声发射信号的一致性,通过定义一个可测多元随机损伤变量,将材料损伤所释放能量波信号的统计规律以数理统计的方式表征出来,实现对损伤在材料多层次结构上的宏微观统计描述,进而给出定量分析材料损伤机理的实验方法。以目前广泛服役于机械、航空航天、交通、桥梁等结构工程中诸如结构钢、铸铁、合金铝、不锈钢及钛合金等材料为试验样本材料,在较大范围内证实所提方法的科学性,并为工程结构的健康监测提供新的试验方法。
中文关键词: 微损伤;损伤演化;声发射;多元统计分析;数据科学
英文摘要: Material failure is dependent on statistical ensemble of random damage in the hierarchical microstructures of solid materials. Microdamage ensembles and their evolution involve complex nonlinear, damage events distribution, and multiscale in spacetime. To evaluate and apply solid materials more scientifically, especially the precisely engineered materials, as the nano materials and nano technology era,the establishment of damage description is essential based on physical measurements. The significance of these measurements and experimental techniques are even more important that presently, theoretical approaches are not capable of providing sufficient supports. The proposed work is based on the consistency between the occurrence of damage events and acoustic emission signatures. It will construct a measurable multi-variate to reveal the interactions among damage events and between damage and the material inherent structure.In the present work, we proposed a novel multi-variate, which has been proven to be successful in a series of work published. The major advantage of the proposed work is that to consider damage as a material property. The measurement of this property is in the form of multi-variate that represents the statistical ensemble of random damage events. Each row and column of this variate expresses
英文关键词: micro-damage;damage evolution;acoustic emsion;multivariate analysis;data-enabled science