项目名称: 爆轰加载下金属样品微层裂现象的实验诊断和物理机制研究
项目编号: No.11472254
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 陈永涛
作者单位: 中国工程物理研究院流体物理研究所
项目金额: 86万元
中文摘要: 基于强烈的武器物理需求和基础科学研究意义,爆轰加载下金属材料的微层裂问题已成为国内外研究关注的热点之一。不过,由于诊断技术限制,加之微层裂本身复杂的物理机制(包含冲击和卸载熔化,熔化金属的空洞化、破碎、膨胀等一系列过程),导致目前无论在实验诊断还是物理机制认识上均存在不足。 基于微层裂的研究需求和现状,本项目拟以低熔点金属Sn(或Pb)为研究材料,改进发展用于微层裂现象诊断的Asay窗、X光照相及激光测速技术,从实验上准确获取微层裂现象早期输入波形和后期膨胀阶段的动力学特征数据,分析不同熔化状态下金属样品微层裂现象特征及差异,探索研究其表现特征与各类断裂行为及机制的对应关系;构建包含冲击结构相变、熔化和空化破碎等多种耦合物理过程的微层裂物理模型,数值模拟描述熔化金属样品中空穴生成、长大、破碎及膨胀过程,与实验结果比对迭代,深化对微层裂物理机制的认识。
中文关键词: 爆轰加载;微层裂;熔化;实验诊断;物理机制
英文摘要: Micro-spalling fragmentations in metals under explosively loading is a fundamental issue of increasing interest for basic study and weaponry physics application in shock physics; however, available data and phsical understanding on this subject is limited because of the absence of diagnostic technology and the complicated physical mechanism. The present work is mainly devoted to developing Asay window, X-ray techloagies and PDV.Then through use of them, the micro-spallation behavior of Sn or Pb sample under explosive loading, such as the input loading wave,volume density and velocity of the intumescent micro-spallation, are studied.The different character of micro-spallation in differenct melt state,such as shock-melt or release-melt, is discussed.In addition,in terms of experimental results, physical model including non-equilibrium mixture phase and melting and cavitation is constructed.The experimental phenomenon is explained in the numerical simulation and the physical mecanism of micro-spalling is stuied.
英文关键词: explosive-loading;micro-spall;melt;experimental study;physical mechanism