项目名称: 新型单片集成平衡探测器相关基础研究
项目编号: No.61274045
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 赵玲娟
作者单位: 中国科学院半导体研究所
项目金额: 89万元
中文摘要: 平衡探测器可以抑制激光器的相对强度噪声(RIN)和EDFA的放大自发辐射噪声(ASE);可以通过增加光载波功率的方法来减小RF插损并提高外调链路的噪声特性和无寄生动态范围(SFDR),从而提高模拟光链路的性能,在天线遥控、光相控阵天线、光生微波和毫米波、光学振荡器等方面有重要应用。平衡探测器还可用于高速数字光纤通信中新型调制格式DPSK的解调以及相干通信系统的接收。本课题围绕平衡探测器的设计和制作开展研究:研究高饱和的单行载流子探测器,超紧凑型的锥形多模干涉仪以及倏逝波耦合的单片集成技术以及射频电路匹配技术,其预期研究目标是研制出超紧凑型单片集成器件:平衡模式下集成器件的3dB响应带宽大于25 GHz;同模抑制比(CMRR =(IPD1-IPD2)/(IPD1+IPD2))大于25dB;探测器响应度大于0.75 A/W;器件3V反向偏压下探测器暗电流小于10nA
中文关键词: 平衡探测器;单片集成;高速探测器;多模干涉仪;
英文摘要: Ballanced Photodector play an important role in high-performance radio-frequency (RF) photonic systems due to their capability to suppress laser relative intensity noise (RIN) and amplified spontaneous emission noise from erbium-doped fiber amplifiers. It can reduce the RF loss, then increase the SN ratio and the spurious free dynamic range(SFDR) by increasing the optical carrier power, which can be applied in remote antenna, optical phased array antenna system, photonic generation of microwave and millimeter-wave, and optical ocilator. Ballanced PD can also be applied in demodulation of DPSK signal and optical coherent receiver. The research of the project includes: uni-traveling carrier photodetectors with high saturation power, compact multimode interference (MMI) coupler, evanescently coupled waveguide and RF circuits design. The balanced PD will hopefully be manufactured with bandwidth over 25GHz, common mode rejection ratio (CMRR) over 25 dB and the the responsivity of each individual detector over 0.75A/W.
英文关键词: ballanced photodetector;monolithic integration;high speed photodetector;multimode interference;