项目名称: 热电制冷的界面热-电输运特征及尺度效应的研究
项目编号: No.51506060
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 能源与动力工程
项目作者: 申利梅
作者单位: 华中科技大学
项目金额: 20万元
中文摘要: 芯片强化冷却是面向国家重大战略需求的关键科学技术问题,热电制冷是冷却芯片的有效方式之一。然而从宏观到微观过渡时热电制冷温差骤降,使其在芯片冷却应用中困难重重,虽有研究指出此现象可能是由热扩散势垒区的电阻和热阻引起的,但相关机理尚不清楚。申请人拟从热电制冷界面热-电输运过程着手,基于热传输形式(热扩散和热波)、界面接触效应和芯片产热传热特性,构建基于分子动力学-界面元-有限元的热物理模型,运用多尺度分析方法,研究热扩散势垒区的热-电输运特性;采用变频方波电源驱动热电模块,分析界面接触热阻、电阻和尺寸对热电制冷性能的影响,尤其是界面接触效应和热传输形式变化的耦合区间;阐述热电制冷的界面热-电输运特性及尺度效应,揭示微尺度热电制冷温差骤降的机理。该研究为解决芯片冷却问题提供理论支撑,填补热电制冷界面热-电输运过程的相关研究空白,对提升我国军事、航空航天领域等设备的可靠性和寿命有重要实际意义。
中文关键词: 热电制冷;芯片;界面热-电输运;多尺度;尺度特征
英文摘要: Chip enhanced cooling is the key science and technology problem of national major strategic needs. Thermoelectric cooling is one of the best cooling method. While the temperature difference of thermoelectric cooling abruptly decreased from macro to micro, therefore it is very difficult to use in chip cooling. Although there is research shows that it may be caused by contact thermal and electrical resistance of diffusion barrier, but the mechanism is not clearly now. So we plan to firstly study the interfacial thermo-electric transport process of thermoelectric cooling. Then, we establish the molecular dynamics-Interface Element-Finite Element thermal physical model according to the heat transfer form(heat diffusion and heat wave), interfacial contact effect, the heat generation and transfer characteristic of chip, the multi-scale analysis method is used to study the thermos-electric transport character of the thermal diffusion barrier. The square wave electric source is used to drive the thermoelectric module, the effect of interfacial contact thermal resistance, electrical resistance and dimension on the cooling performance are analyzed, especially in the coupling region of interfacial contact effect and the change of heat transfer form. It presents the interfacial thermo-electric transport process characters and scale effect of thermoelectric cooling, and reveal the suddenly change mechanism of micro thermoelectric cooling. This study provides the theoretical support for solving the thermal management problem of chip cooling, and make up the study blank about interfacial thermo-electric transport process of thermoelectric cooling. It is very important for increasing the reliability and lifetime of military and aerospace devices.
英文关键词: Thermoelectric cooling ;Chip; Interfacial thermo-electric transport ;Multi-scale ;Scale characteristic