项目名称: 利用CALIPSO资料研究极地平流层云对卫星监测臭氧损耗精度的影响
项目编号: No.41275035
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 天文学、地球科学
项目作者: 黄富祥
作者单位: 国家卫星气象中心
项目金额: 80万元
中文摘要: 极地平流层云PSCs(Polar Stratospheric Clouds)为臭氧损耗非均相化学反应提供表面,在极地臭氧损耗中发挥重要作用。PSCs也对卫星臭氧遥感产生影响,但现有卫星臭氧反演算法只考虑了对流层云和气溶胶的影响。大量的地基与卫星同步观测表明,PSCs的存在往往导致卫星观测数据反演错误,从而使极地臭氧损耗监测数据偏离真实值。本项目利用CALIPSO PSCs实测资料,结合FY-3 SBUS/TOU以及Aura OMI观测数据,共同组成观测参数,输入建立的太阳紫外后向散射辐射传输正演仿真系统,计算PSCs对卫星载荷辐射观测值的影响;将正演仿真计算结果,输入建立的臭氧垂直廓线和臭氧总量产品生成仿真系统,开展反演计算,通过与极地地基台站臭氧观测资料比较,研究PSCs对卫星遥感臭氧产品精度的影响。在此基础上,建立PSCs覆盖区域卫星遥感臭氧产品订正方法,给出极地臭氧损耗真实变化数据。
中文关键词: 极地平流层云;仿真计算;卫星遥感;大气臭氧;臭氧与大气温度相关关系
英文摘要: Polar stratospheric clouds(PSCs) play a very important role in polar ozone depletion, because heterogeous reactions, which sharply reduce the ozone amount in atmosphere,in particular, the content of chlorine and nitric compounds actively participating in the destruction of ozone, occur on their surfaces. PSCs also affect satellite-based ozone remote sensing, because these ozone retrieval algorithms now in operation consider effects of tropospheric clouds and aerosol but neglecting stratospheric clouds' effect. On the basis of measurements from ground-based instruments, balloon-borne ozonesondes,and simultaneous measurements of aerosol and ozone concentrations during aircraft flights in the Antarctic and Arctic regions, the appearance of PSCs are frequently associated with false ozone reduction derived from solar backscattered ultraviolet albedo data of satellite ozone monitoring instruments. In this project, we will study the effect of PSCs on the solar backscattered radiance measurements of satellite ozone remote sensing instruments, by combining radiative transfer calculations with the observed PSCs data from the CALIPSO (Cloud-Aerosol-Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observations) satellite and ozone data from FY-3 SBUS/TOU (Backscatter Ultraviolet Sounder/ Total Ozone Unit) and Aura OMI (Ozone Monitor
英文关键词: polar stratospheric clouds;simulating calcualtion;satellite remote sensing;atmospheric ozone;relation of atmospheric ozone and atmosphere