项目名称: 含三芳基咪唑侧基智能聚合物的合成及其性能研究
项目编号: No.51273170
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 一般工业技术
项目作者: 陈红飙
作者单位: 湘潭大学
项目金额: 80万元
中文摘要: 本申请项目将小分子三芳基咪唑的吸光度对温度的依赖性、六芳基双咪唑的光致变色及热致回复特性引入到聚合物体系中,设计合成系列含三芳基咪唑侧基的乙烯基智能聚合物,系统研究聚合物吸光度对温度的依赖关系;优选出吸光度-温度响应性能优良的智能聚合物,探索其在温度传感器方面的实际应用。同时研究此类聚合物三芳基咪唑侧基之间的二聚和解聚反应规律,即聚合物分子内和分子间的六芳基双咪唑和三芳基咪唑自由基之间的光致变色和热致回复反应规律;优选出性能优良的光致变色智能聚合物,进行实际应用开发。本项研究有望研制出新型温度传感器及光致变色材料,有一定的理论和实际意义。
中文关键词: 三芳基咪唑聚合物;吸光度-温度响应;光致变色;荧光探针;微孔有机聚合物
英文摘要: A series of intelligent polymers based on triarylimidazole possessing the characteristic of temperature-dependent absorbance in the near-UV spectral region as well as photochromism and thermal bleaching have been demonstrated in this project. Vinyl monomers having triarylimidazole side group have been designed and synthesized, followed by polymerized via controlled radical polymerization, affording polymers with well-defined architecture. Experimental investigation of the temperature-dependent absorbance for polymer will be conducted systematically. Intelligent polymers exhibiting linear relationship between temperature and absorbance have been selected to explore their potential applications in temperature indicating devices. Additionally, triarylimidazole can undergo dimerization to form photochromic hexaarylbiimidazole (HABI). It has been found that the photochromism of HABI is due to the dissociation of the dimer into imidazolyl radicals, which thermally recombine to reproduce their original imidazole dimmer. Taking advantage of this transition, the stimuli responsive behavior of photochromism under UV irradiation as well as thermal bleaching process for the polymers having a triarylimidazole side group has been investigated. It will be demonstrated that photochromism based on light-driven reversible bond cl
英文关键词: triarylimidazole-based polymer;absorbance–temperature response;photochromism;fluorescent probe;microporous organic polymer