项目名称: 基于RTD的可编程逻辑模块及数字系统设计研究
项目编号: No.61471314
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 沈继忠
作者单位: 浙江大学
项目金额: 80万元
中文摘要: 根据摩尔定律,预计10年后CMOS工艺将逼近物理极限,为此必须研究新一代集成电路。RTD是目前唯一能用常规IC技术设计和制造的纳米电子器件,是最有前景成为下一代集成电路的候选器件。目前尚无结构简单、实现电路时不需改变结构及参数的RTD可编程逻辑模块及相应的函数综合算法,缺乏可用单一逻辑模块组成的网络编程实现任意逻辑函数的电路结构。本项目将设计一种RTD可编程三变量通用阈值逻辑门RTD-PTUTLG,提出基于RTD-PTUTLG的函数综合算法;设计一种RTD可编程逻辑模块RTD-PLU,提出基于RTD-PLU的实现任意逻辑函数的三层电路网络结构及函数综合算法。本项目设计的RTD-PTUTLG和RTD-PLU结构简单、实现电路时不需改变结构及参数;提出的函数综合算法简单;用RTD-PLU实现的逻辑电路只需三层结构,速度快。本项目研究为基于RTD的高性能数字集成电路提供可编程电路模块和设计技术。
中文关键词: 集成电路设计;可编程电路设计;电路设计理论;逻辑综合;数字集成电路
英文摘要: According to Moore's Law,CMOS technology will face fundamental physics limitations in the next decade, so it's necessary to investigate on a new generation of integrated circuits. The resonant tunneling diode (RTD) is nowadays considered the most mature type of nanoelectronic device, and is the most promising candidate to be the next generation of integrated circuit devices. However, there is no programmable RTD logic module with simple structure and without changing the structure and parameters to implement digital circuits, and there is no the corresponding function synthesis algorithm. Also, there is no network structure which can implement arbitrary logic function by programming a kind of RTD logic module. In this project, a RTD-based programmable three-variable universal threshold logic gate (RTD-PTUTLG) will be proposed and designed, and the corresponding function synthesis algorithm based on RTD-PTUTLGs will be presented; a RTD-based programmable logic module (RTD-PLU) will be proposed and designed, and also, a three-layer threshold network and the corresponding logic function synthesis algorithm based on RTD-PLUs to implement arbitrary logic functions will be proposed. The designed RTD-PTUTLG and RTD-PLU have simple structures and do not need to change the structures and parameters to implement circuits; the proposed logic function synthesis algorithms are simple; the logic circuits implemented by RTD-PLU which only need three-layer threshold network and use fewer elements. The project provides programmable logic modules and design techniques for high-performance RTD-based digital integrated circuits.
英文关键词: Integrated Circuits Design;Programmable Circuits Design;Theory of Circuits Design;Logic Synthesis;Digital Integrated Circuits