项目名称: 基于菲并咪唑衍生物的高效非掺杂深蓝有机电致发光材料的设计、合成及其应用
项目编号: No.51273108
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 一般工业技术
项目作者: 佟庆笑
作者单位: 汕头大学
项目金额: 80万元
中文摘要: 蓝光有机电致发光器件由于其在全彩显示及固体照明方面的应用,受到科研工作者的广泛关注!尽管磷光有机电致发光器件在理论上可以达到100%的内量子效率,实现了高效率的深蓝色器件,但其器件寿命较短,在亮度高时效率衰减非常严重,并且容易发生相分离。虽然人们开发了很多高效蓝光荧光发光材料,但真正的深蓝色发光材料很少! 本项目拟设计、合成几个系列具有双载流子传输性能的D-π-A结构的菲并咪唑衍生物,以期得到若干发光量子产率高、化学稳定性好、热稳定和成膜性能好的深蓝有机电致发光材料,系统研究其光物理性质与分子结构之间的关系,实现高效、稳定的非掺杂深蓝有机电致发光器件。
中文关键词: 高效;非掺杂;深蓝;给体-π-受体;菲并咪唑
英文摘要: Blue organic light-emitting devices (OLEDs) have attracted much attention for their importance in both full-color display and solid-state lighting. Given that phosphorescent OLEDs can theoretically achieve 100% internal quantum efficiency, many researchers have reported phosphorescent materials with high efficiency deep-blue emission. However, phosphorescence OLEDs typically have shorter lifetime and sharper efficiency roll-off at high brightness. Thus, phosphorescence and fluorescence OLEDs are often considered to be complementary and suitable for different applications. On the other hand, many high performance OLEDs involve doping of emitters into host materials. However, efficacious doping often requires precise control of doping concentration and inevitably increases manufacturing cost. It has also been pointed out that potential phase separation in the dopant?host system can render energy transfer ineffective. For these reasons, nondoped devices using blue light-emitting fluorescent OLEDs are still attracting considerable attention.In this proposal, several seirals of Donor-π-Acceptor structure phenanthroimidazole derivatives will be designed, synthesized and characterized. High performance deep blue organic light-emitting materials with high fluorescence quantum yield, good thermostability, photochemical s
英文关键词: high-efficiency;nondoped;deep blue;D-π-A;phenanthroimidazole