项目名称: 湘粤赣边界禁止开发区域生态旅游协调发展机制研究
项目编号: No.41271148
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 天文学、地球科学
项目作者: 黄静波
作者单位: 湘南学院
项目金额: 60万元
中文摘要: 国家在"十一五"规划纲要中提出将国土空间划分为优化开发、重点开发、限制开发和禁止开发四类主体功能区,"十二五"规划纲要则明确提出要实施主体功能区战略。禁止开发区是四类主体功能区中最特殊的一类,是我国最为关键、最为重要的生态环境保护区域。本项目选取拥有众多禁止开发区域类型、自然和人文地理条件独特的湘粤赣边界区域作为研究对象,运用生态环境理论、利益相关者理论、LAC理论及博弈论等相关理论,开展对禁止开发区域的生态旅游环境评价、生态旅游利益相关者分析、生态旅游发展协调性评判模型构建和实证检验等研究工作,进而从生态旅游协调发展的视角探讨禁止开发区生态旅游协调发展机制。本项目旨在为深入研究禁止开发区域的利益补偿机制提供新的思路,并希望能对协调发展和利益相关者等理论稍作补充和拓展。本项目属原创性的探索研究,对旅游地理学的理论建设、禁止开发区功能定位的落实和科学发展,具有较为重要的理论意义和应用价值。
中文关键词: 禁止开发区;生态旅游;协调发展机制;湘粤赣边界;评价
英文摘要: The country in "The Eleventh Five-Year plan " puts forward in land space is divided into optimizing the development, key development, development restrictions and the prohibition of the development of four kinds of main function region," The Twelfth Five-Year plan " program outline puts forward clearly to the implementation of main function region strategy. The prohibition of the development zone is the most special one kind in the four kinds of main function region, also it is China's most important ecological environmental protection area. The project elects the HUNAN-GUANGDONG-JIANGXI border region which have many prohibitive development area type, geographical and human conditions unique as the research object. By taking advantage of the latest research of Eco-environmental capacity theory, LAC theory, Stakeholder theory, Coordination theory and Game theory, the study conducts on the prohibition of the development of regional ecological environment evaluation, ecological tourism stakeholders analysis, ecological tourism development coordination evaluation model construction and empirical test and research work, and then from the perspective of ecological tourism development of prohibition Development Zone eco tourism harmonious development mechanism.This project is designed for in-depth study of the prohibit
英文关键词: Prohibition Zone;Ecotourism;Coordination Development Mechanism;Hunan-Guangdong-Jiangxi boundary;Evalution