项目名称: 煤矿职业源性心理损害产生机理与管理政策研究
项目编号: No.71303233
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 管理科学
项目作者: 祁慧
作者单位: 中国矿业大学
项目金额: 22万元
中文摘要: 煤矿职业源性心理损害已成为危害矿工身心健康和煤矿企业安全生产秩序的重要问题。本研究首先系统分析煤矿生产系统的自然环境和衍生环境特征,宏观产业政策、职业安全与健康相关的法律、法规等制度环境特征,探讨宏观制度环境对煤矿企业衍生环境演化的影响机制及劣化作用,梳理煤矿职业源情境;其次对矿工的活动过程进行分解,基于活动过程展开不同职业源情境刺激下活动主体心理状态构建机制的质性研究,结合理论研析和专家咨询提出基于"心理贫困-心理屏障-心理强迫"的职业源性心理损害演进路径假设,构建理论验证模型;在理论研究基础上开发测量工具,拟对逾2000名分布在不同煤矿和生产专业的矿工进行调查,系统研究煤矿职业源性心理损害的结构和规律;构建、开发"宏观政策环境-煤矿企业环境-矿工心理与行为"交互的仿真系统,模拟不同职业源情境组合下矿工群体的心理损害产生过程和结果状态,并以此为依据设计管理政策体系。
中文关键词: 职业源性心理损害;职业情境要素;管理政策;系统仿真;
英文摘要: Psychological Damage Rooted in Occupation (PDRO) has become the important issues that endanger coal miners' physical and mental health and the safe production order of coal minine. Characteristics of natural environment, characteristics of derivative environment, macroscopic industry policies, characteristics of occupational safety and health regulations in coal mines will be analyzed systematically first, and the influence mechanism and degradation effect of micro institutional environment will be discussed, so as to clarify situational factors rooted in occupation of coal mine. And also, characteristics of coal miners'activities will be analyzed to study the psychological status construction mechanism under different situations rooted in occupation in view of activity process. Besides, hypothesis of evolution path of psychological damage rooted in occupation like "Psychological poverty-Psychological barrier-Psychological forced" will be propoesd and the theoretical model will be set up.In addition,based on the theoretical study, measurement tools will be developed to make investigations of over 2000 coal miners came from different coalmines and types of work. Then the structure and characteristics of PDRO will be study systematically.At last,the interactive simulation system of "macro-policy environment" and "
英文关键词: Psychological Damage Rooted in Occupation (PDRO);occupation situation factors;management policies;system simulation;