项目名称: 二氧化碳开采页岩气过程储层物性变化机制研究
项目编号: No.U1262110
项目类型: 联合基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 地球化学
项目作者: 董朝霞
作者单位: 中国石油大学(北京)
项目金额: 43万元
中文摘要: 随着常规油气资源勘探难度的增加,页岩气等非常规油气资源在能源结构中的地位越来越重要。利用CO2驱替页岩气,可以减少温室气体的排放,缓解全球气候变暖,不仅有很好的经济效益,而且具有重要的社会效益。认识和了解页岩孔隙中甲烷和CO2的吸附特征及岩石形变规律,对于页岩气的资源评价和开发有着十分重要的意义。本项目主要针对CO2开采页岩气过程中,页岩孔隙对CO2、天然气的吸附性能及解吸性能,考察驱替过程中页岩岩石体积形变,研究CO2驱替过程储层的孔隙结构、渗透率发生的变化,考察影响储层物性变化的因素。在实验研究的基础上,揭示CO2开采页岩气过程储层物性的变化规律,阐明CO2开采过程储层物性变化机制,为CO2开采页岩气技术的优选及CO2的地下埋存提供准确的气藏信息和储层物性变化的物理化学模型奠定数据基础,同时揭示CO2驱替页岩气的相关机理。
中文关键词: 页岩;甲烷;二氧化碳;吸附解吸;渗透率
英文摘要: Unconventional energy (e.g. coal bed methane, shale gas) now is playing more important roles in the whole energy system. The utilization of CO2 for shale gas extraction can reduce the emission amount of green house gas and mitigate global warming, which not only brings economic benefit but also brings significant social benefits. Understanding the adsorption capacity and deformation change during adsorption of methane and CO2 on shale, may help the exploitation and resource evaluation. This project mainly focus on the laboratory experiments on shale samples to explore their adsorption desorption ability for CO2 and nature gas during CO2 flooding, investigating the volume deformation of shale samples and the variation of porosity and permeability. The influencing factors on physical properties of shale reservoir will be studied as well. Based on the experiment results, the variation rules of physical properties of shale reservoir will be investigated and the variation mechanisms will be clarified which can provide accurate information to build simulation model to describe the process for CO2 flooding and storage. Meanwhile the mechanisms of CO2 flooding for shale gas will also be studied.
英文关键词: Shale;methane;carbon dioxide;Adsorption/Desorption;Permeability