项目名称: 多功能可重构的环形结构无源滤波器研究
项目编号: No.61501257
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 金秀华
作者单位: 南京邮电大学
项目金额: 21万元
中文摘要: 本项目研究基于环型传输线网络的滤波器理论及设计方法。相对于传统的线型滤波网络,环型网络具有多通路性质,在设计上能提供更高的自由度及更大的灵活性。特别的,标准传输线单元构成的环型网络还具有单拓扑多功能的特性,具有重要的理论和实际使用价值,是未来高性能滤波器的重要发展方向。基于多通路性,项目组将深入探索由标准传输线单元构成的环型网络的传输性质,研究其在滤波器上的新应用,发展完善其设计理论。研究新结构的环型带通滤波器,建立其综合设计方法;研究干涉环在带阻滤波器上的应用,探索其带阻工作的物理内涵,完善该类滤波器的设计理论;研究干涉环在全通滤波器上的应用,重点研究多环、异构环的全通性质,探索全通环型结构的拓扑形式及一般全通条件,构建一大类全新的微波全通单元,并研究其在宽带移相器和均衡器中的应用;最后,计划探索基于固定环型拓扑的功能可重构型滤波器的设计理论及方法。
中文关键词: 微波无源滤波器;滤波器综合;滤波器设计;滤波器拓扑结构
英文摘要: The design theory for transmission-line filter based on ring/loop topology is studied in this proposal. Comparing with the traditional linear topology, multiple-signal-path could be obtained in the ring-based filter topology. Therefore, there are more parameters during the design procedure with enhanced flexibility. Particularly, the ring network consisting of standard transmission-line units provides multiple optional functions under a fixed topology. These features are attractive for both academic and industrial applications. Based on the multiple-signal-path nature, the research group will explore the general responses of the ring network consisting of standard transmission-line units, and then build several novel applications in microwave filter design and develop/complete the design theory. For bandpass filter, the general equivalent circuit model for the ring-based transmission-line network is going to be investigated, to advance the design theory. For bandstop filter, the interference ring will be studied, to reveal its operation mechanism in physics level and to develop the general design theory for this type of filter. For allpass filter, the interference rings with multiple-stage and/or complex configuration are going to be investigated, to find the all-pass topologies and conditions. Based on the newly developed all-pass filter, novel wideband phase shifter and phase equalizer will be studied. In the last, the reconfigurable filters using fixed ring topology will be studied.
英文关键词: Microwave Passiver Filter;Filter synthesize;Filter Design;Filter Topology