项目名称: 基于硅基微环光学参量振荡器的全光时钟提取技术研究
项目编号: No.61505021
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 文峰
作者单位: 电子科技大学
项目金额: 20万元
中文摘要: 随着光纤通信系统速率的快速提升,具有高速信号处理能力的全光时钟提取技术将在骨干网络核心交换节点中起到重要作用。伴随着硅光子集成技术的日益成熟,开发集成度高、低功耗的光子功能器件已成为可能。本课题将无源滤波和有源振荡时钟提取方式有机结合,提出在硅基微环光学参量振荡器(MRR-OPO)中开展全光时钟提取研究工作:(1)建立谐振结构中的参量振荡理论模型,为设计优化全光时钟提取芯片提供理论支持;(2)从锁模机制、优化滤波、参量反馈三个方面开展基于MRR-OPO的全光时钟提取芯片研究;(3)搭建40Gb/s信号收发系统,实验验证参量振荡机理和时钟提取方案的正确性。开展基于MRR-OPO的全光时钟提取技术研究,扩展了现有MRR器件的应用领域,有助于提高时钟提取器件的集成度、降低处理成本。本课题研究的时钟提取芯片能够与硅光子交换芯片无缝集成,作为构建光通信系统交换节点的核心功能器件,展现出巨大应用潜力。
中文关键词: 光纤通信;全光时钟提取;微环谐振器;光学参量振荡器;模式锁定
英文摘要: With the increase of the system bandwidth of optical fiber communication networks, the all-optical clock recovery technology with the ultrahigh processing bandwidth will play an important role in core switching nodes of backbone networks. Silicon photonic functional devices with high integration and low power consumption can be achieved due to the development of the photonic integration technology. By combining the passive filtering and the active oscillation schemes, the optical parametric oscillation in silicon microring resonators (MRR-OPO) is proposed for the all-optical clock recovery: (1) the parametric oscillation theory is established in the resonant structure to optimize the all-optical clock recovery chip; (2) the all-optical clock recovery based on the MRR-OPO is obtained by achieving the mode locking, optimizing the MRR filter, using the parametric feedback technology; (3) the parametric oscillation mechanism and the clock recovery scheme are tested in a 40Gb/s signal transmission system. The MRR-OPO-based all-optical clock recovery with high integration and low cost extends the application field of the MRR device. The new clock recovery device can seamlessly integrate with the silicon photonic switching chip, and will be widely used in optical switching nodes of optical fiber communication networks.
英文关键词: optical fiber communication;all-optical clock recovery;microring resonator;optical parametric oscillator;mode locking