项目名称: 腹腔镜手术仿真中复杂软组织系统的建模方法及受力分析优化
项目编号: No.61473112
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 其他
项目作者: 王洪瑞
作者单位: 河北大学
项目金额: 81万元
中文摘要: 人体软组织系统是由多类不同特性软组织互联组成的复杂系统,对其进行合理的建模在腹腔镜手术仿真中具有重要意义。本项目拟研究较为通用的复杂人体软组织系统建模方法及动态受力优化分析策略,主要工作包括:(1)以CT图像为数据源,研究基于自适应步长的软组织表面轮廓离散算法,进而以表面离散点弯曲度为依据,对三维重构网格进行优化;(2)以质点-弹簧模型为基础,引入柔性机制,将复杂系统物理建模转化为研究单一软组织物理建模方法及其之间连接关系的研究;(3)结合解剖学和生物力学给定参数的本构方程,研究系统物理模型的参数及参数设置方法,建立生物材料特性与模型参数的关系;(4)引入作用力影响范围的概念,通过设计动态网格密度修正算法和形变量求解分析及优化,提高位移和形变动态过程中受力分析的实时性。本研究将为生物软组织的建模和分析提供有益的借鉴,其成果还可直接应用于手术导航、手术规划等医学图像处理和仿真领域。
中文关键词: 虚拟手术;物理建模;腹腔镜手术;软组织系统;受力分析
英文摘要: Human soft tissue system is a complex system composed by soft tissues with different characteristics. The modeling of this kind of system plays a crucial role in laparoscopic surgical simulation.In this project, we will investigate a set of common modeling and stress analysis method that is suitable for the modeling of complex soft tissues for real-time virtual surgery. The main research work of this project includes: (1) The surface contour discrete algorithm based on adaptive steps will be investigated using CT images as data source. After it is reconstructed, the three-dimensional surface of the soft tissue will be optimized based on the degree of bending of the surface discrete points. (2) The concept of flexible mechanisms will be introduced to the traditional mass spring model. The physical modeling for complex systems will be simplified to the research of physical modeling for a single soft tissue and the relationship between soft tissues.(3) Through biomechanics experiments on real soft tissue and parameter analysis, the relation between the physical properties of soft tissue and the model parameters will be established. The physical meaning of the model paprameters will then be specified.(4) The stress analysis and optimization and a novel dynamic grid modification algorithm will also be investigated to further enhance the performance of dynamic modeling. This project will provide an important research reference for the modeling and analysis of other biomechanics soft tissues. The research results can also be directly applied to the field of medical image processing and medical simulation,such as surgical navigation and virtual surgery systems.
英文关键词: virtual surgery;physical modeling;laparoscopic surgery;soft tissue system;stress analysis