项目名称: 掺杂最外层具有6s2电子结构的元素提升Ca5Al2Sb6基材料热电性能的理论研究
项目编号: No.U1204112
项目类型: 联合基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 物理学I
项目作者: 闫玉丽
作者单位: 河南大学
项目金额: 30万元
中文摘要: Ca5Al2Sb6块材料的晶格热导率非常低(0.6W/mk),再加上它的各组分便宜、地球上含量丰富,因此成为非常有应用前景的Zintl相热电材料。但目前Ca5Al2Sb6的热电转换效率相对较低。本项目从理论上研究掺杂最外层具有6s2电子结构的元素后Ca5-xMxAl2-yNySb6的热电特性以及掺杂提高热电特性的微观机制;探寻最外层具有6s2电子结构元素的掺入在提升Ca5Al2Sb6热电特性上起到关键作用。为实验上合成高性能的Ca5-xMxAl2-yNySb6提供理论依据。本项目的研究对于提高具有A5M2Pn6结构的Zintl相化合物热电特性研究具有重要的指导意义。
中文关键词: Ca5Al2Sb6;热电特性;第一性原理;半经典玻尔兹曼理论;
英文摘要: Ca5Al2Sb6 is a promising thermoelectric materials for its inexpensive, Earth-abundant, and extremely low thermal lattice thermal conductivity(0.6W/mk). But now, the thermoelectric conversion efficiency of Ca5Al2Sb6 is relatively low. In our subject, we will study the thermoelectric properties of Ca5-xMxAl2-yNySb6 and the microscopic mechanism of the enhanced thermoelectric properties of Ca5Al2Sb6 doped by the elements with an outermost electron configuration of 6s2, research the key factors which influences the thermoelectric properties. These research can offer theoretical guidance to preparation high performance thermoelectric Ca5-xMxAl2-yNySb6. This project will provide important directive significance to improve the thermoelectric properties of Zintl compounds with A5M2Pn6 structures.
英文关键词: Ca5Al2Sb6;Thermoelectric properties;First-principles theory;Semi-classical Boltzmann theory;