项目名称: 微生物药物生物合成转化知识库的构建
项目编号: No.31270101
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 生物科学
项目作者: 胡黔楠
作者单位: 武汉大学
项目金额: 78万元
中文摘要: 微生物药物因其所具有的分子结构多样性和良好的成药性特点,一直是新药研发的不竭源泉。微生物药物生物合成涉及到一系列生物转化反应、途径和网络,大多数潜在有用的次级代谢生物转化反应还分散在文献中,生物转化反应以及基于生化反应获取的生物合成转化模式的匮乏是生物合成途径设计体系构建的瓶颈问题。本项目拟针对微生物药物次级代谢生物合成过程的关键模块进行数据收集、挖掘、分类,收集微生物药物、合成前体小分子、生物合成反应、途径、网络、催化酶、基因簇等数据,嵌入目标分子、关键分子片段、合成反应相似性等生物合成要素的搜索技术,引入生物合成转化反应的原子-原子映射、反应中心获取、生物合成转化模式挖掘软件,建立微生物药物生物合成的生物转化反应数据库以及生物合成转化模式数据库,进而提供逆向微生物药物生物合成途径设计平台。
中文关键词: 生物合成;数据库;微生物药物;生物合成设计软件;
英文摘要: Microbial medicines have high chemical structure diversity and good ADMET properties, which provides a vast resource for drug discovery. The biosynthesis of microbial medicines involves a series of secondary metabolic biotransformations, pathways, and networks. However, many potential useful secondary biosynthetic transformations are still dispersed in various literatures. The lack of biosynthetic transformations and the relevant transformation patterns extracted is the bottleneck to build an information-guided biosynthesis pathway design platform. This proposed project will collect biosynthetic transformation pathways related with microbial medicines, discover knowledge from transformation data, and categorize the extracted reaction knowledge. Several search engines will be embeded into the reaction information system to search reactions with molecular structures, molecular fragments, and reaction similarity. Softwares will be integrated for atom-atom mapping, reaction center discovery, and reaction transformation pattern extraction. A standardized and systematic biosynthetic transformations database with reaction transformation patterns will be built, which will provide biosynthetic knowledge base for microbial medicine retro-biosynthesis pathway design.
英文关键词: Biosynthesis;Database;Microbial medicine;Biosynthesis design software;