项目名称: 基于移动车辆的城市感知信息收集关键技术研究
项目编号: No.61073014
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2011
项目学科: 交通运输
项目作者: 刘燕
作者单位: 北京大学
项目金额: 12万元
中文摘要: 城市应用和服务需要收集城市环境中的多种感知信息。本课题以提供低成本、高效的感知信息收集服务为目标,研究利用移动车辆进行城市信息收集的相关理论和关键技术,包括城市中车辆行驶的移动模型、移动车辆之间的消息转发机制、移动车辆到AP的公平高效的接入机制。在课题执行期间,取得的研究成果主要有:基于北京市出租车辆的真实GPS数据,提出了一种基于交通流理论的车辆移动模型;根据车辆的行驶规律、在城市中的分布情况等,提出了基于轨迹预测的车辆间消息转发机制、车辆密度自适应的数据分发策略,以及基于公交车辆的延迟最小化的消息转发机制;发现了城市中移动车辆与AP之间链路质量存在时间和空间的相关性,提出了一种车辆公平高效到AP的接入机制;研发了基于公交车辆的城市信息收集原型系统。目前在国内外学术期刊和国际会议上发表8篇论文,申请1项国家发明专利,培养了多名研究生,有3名研究生毕业;还有多篇论文正在整理,以及新的专利正在撰写。
中文关键词: 移动车辆;城市信息收集;移动模型;消息转发机制;移动车辆接入机制
英文摘要: Urban information is needed by a lot of applications and services in cities. To provide a low-cost, highly-efficient urban information collection service, this project mainly focuses on theories and technologies in urban information collection based on vehicles, including vehicular mobility models, information transmission between vehicles, and information downloading/uploading from/to Internet access point by vehicles. The key achievements are as follows: Based on real GPS traces from Beijing taxi system, a traffic flow theory based vehicle mobility model is proposed. On the basis of the distribution of vehicles and their regularity, a prediction based message forwarding method, an adaptive data dissemination algorithm, and a delay-minimized message forwarding method for BusNet are proposed; Based on the observation that the link qualities between moving vehicles and roadside APs are temporally and spatially correlated, a fair and highly efficient AP accessing scheme is proposed. A prototype system is developed to collect city information. So far, eight papers are published on domestic and international conferences or journals, and a national patent is applied. Three graduate students have obtained their master degrees.
英文关键词: Moving vehicles; urban information gathering; vehicular mobility models; massage forwarding; roadside AP access