项目名称: 球墨铸铁球化孕育处理动态调控方法
项目编号: No.51474082
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 矿业工程
项目作者: 李大勇
作者单位: 哈尔滨理工大学
项目金额: 88万元
中文摘要: 原铁水熔配、球化处理和孕育处理是球墨铸铁生产的三个关键环节。球化剂及孕育剂加入量和加入方法只有随原铁水冶金状态变化而变动,才能获得最佳球化孕育效果。为了避免球化不足,实际生产中常常采用超量定值球化处理法,即依据最恶劣原铁水状态确定球化剂加入量,这种保守的定值球化,在很多情况下属球化剂过量加入,虽然保证了球状石墨的形成,但带来的直接不良后果不仅是球化剂浪费,还有因残余Mg量增加导致的缩孔缩松倾向和铸件硬度增加等等。本项目拟采用动态调控方法解决球墨铸铁生产球化剂使用过量问题,即构建一个动态调节系统,该系统具有快速评价原铁水冶金特性、实时计算球化剂孕育剂加入量、给出球化剂孕育剂加入方法以及快速评价球化处理和孕育处理效果的能力。主要研究内容包括原铁水冶金状态快速评价方法、球化孕育工艺动态调控方法、球化效果快速评价方法、孕育效果快速评价方法、球墨铸铁熔体最终状态调控方法等。
中文关键词: 球墨铸铁;球化处理;孕育处理;动态调控
英文摘要: Preparation of base iron melt, nodularization and inoculation are three key steps for making ductile iron. Only the quantity and adding method of nodularization agent and indoculant change with metallurgy state of base iron melt, can optimu nodularizing and inoculating results be achieved. In ductile iron production, constant postnodularizing method is often adopted to avoid undernodularizing. It determines the dodularizing agent quantity according to the worst metallurgy state of base iron melt.In many cases, postnodularizing takes place because of this conservative constant nodularizing method.Though spheroid graphite can form, the fateful consequence,caused by remained Mg, includes not only wasting nodularizing agent but also increazing the inclination of shrinkage porosity and cavity formation and hardness of casting. In the program, a dynamic regulate and control method is advanced to solve the problem of postnodularizing. The target of the program is to construct a system for fast evaluating metallurgy state of base iron melt, real-time calculating dodularizing agent quantity, suggesting inoculant quantity and adding mehtod, fast evaluating nodularizing and inoculating results and trimming the final state of the ductile iron melt. The main research contents are the method of evaluating metallurgy state of base iron melt, the dynamic method of regulating and controlling nodularization and inoculation of ductile iron, the method of fast evaluating nodularizing and inoculating results, the method of regulating and controlling final state of the ductile rion melt, and so on.
英文关键词: ductile iron;nodularization;inoculation;dynamic regulation and control