项目名称: 广义申克孢子丝菌的分子系统发育与生理病理特征分化研究
项目编号: No.31270062
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 生物科学
项目作者: 周汛
作者单位: 重庆医科大学
项目金额: 72万元
中文摘要: 真菌是感染人类的重要病原微生物之一。申克孢子丝菌是孢子丝菌病的病原菌,该病引起皮肤、皮下组织及其附近淋巴管的慢性感染,可播散致全身,引起系统损害,是最常见的深部真菌感染之一。申克孢子丝菌是一种双相型致病真菌,在自然界25℃为菌丝相,体内 37℃为酵母相,世界广泛分布。该菌的鉴定传统上主要依靠形态学特征。近期研究表明这是一个大的复合类群,包含许多具有明显遗传与生理病理特征分化,致病性与耐药性明显不同的物种。本项目以申克孢子丝菌复合类群为研究对象,通过多基因系统演化分析,基因型与表型特征相结合,建立科学的物种概念及趋于自然的新分类系统,研究此类群内的遗传分化,生理和病理特征分化,发现隐含种。在此基础上,探究此类群的多样性起源与进化机制。寻找适合该类群的DNA补充条码,在此基础上用Real-time PCR及LAMP等技术研发可快速准确鉴定强致病种类的新方法,并探索免分离培养的分子诊断体系。
中文关键词: 广义申克孢子丝菌;分子生物学;分子检测;遗传分化;cDNA消减文库
英文摘要: The pathogenic dimorphic fungus Sporothrix schenckii is the agent responsible for sporotrichosis, an important fungal infection with a worldwide distribution. It has been well known that morphologically defined Sporothrix schenckii contains many phylogenetic species. The objectives of the current study include: 1) to generate a global multi-locus phylogeny for the Sporothrix schenckii sensu lato using morphologically similar strains from both clinical and environmental origins; 2) to correlate these phylogenetic groupings to recognizable phenotypic characters such as morphology, pathogenicity, growth characters, physiological characters, and resistance to anti-fungal agents; 3) to search for suitable additional DNA barcode for this specific group and based on which, develop molecular diagnosis tools (Real Time PCR & LAMP)that can quickly and correctly identify severe pathogens in the group.
英文关键词: Sporothrix schenckii sensu lato;molecular biology;molecular diagnosis;evolutionary divergence;cDNA subtructive libraries