项目名称: 光电子器件中有机软物质共轭分子激发态的形成、迁移及解离过程的研究
项目编号: No.11474017
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 何志群
作者单位: 北京交通大学
项目金额: 90万元
中文摘要: 软物质中有机大分子共轭体系激发态的形成、迁移及解离过程对有机分子材料的光学、电学、及光电转化性能起着至关重要的作用,该过程不仅与其化学结构,还与材料微观、亚微观到宏观尺度的聚集态有序性、分子间排列和分子取向方式密切相关。 本项目将研究基于线性和盘状两类共轭有机大分子材料的分子激发态的形成、迁移和解离过程,以及材料中各类聚集态结构对分子激发态过程的影响。首先研究目标材料光物理性质及单分子激发态过程,以及分散密度及环境极性条件对该过程的影响;研究混合体系的激发过程中电荷转移复合物的形成及其电荷解离过程;分别研究不同目标材料的各种聚集态结构的形成、重组条件和影响因素;研究结构中的有序性的分布;利用液晶相的形成控制分子取向,以获得具有各向异性结构的薄膜,并研究在不同取向界面对激发态过程的影响。在此基础上,优化设计光电子器件的结构及制备条件,探索新的科学方法去解决新型器件制备中的瓶颈问题。
中文关键词: 软物质;激发态;有机半导体;电荷转移复合物;光电子器件
英文摘要: Characteristics of formation, migration and dissociation of an excitation state of conjugated macromolecular organic soft matter are the key in determination of its optical, electronic and optoelectronic properties. This was affected not only by the chemical structures of the materials, but also by the order of aggregation structures and molecular orientations. Current proposal will investigate the excitation processes, i.e. formation, migration and dissociation, in linearly or discotic conjugated macromolecules and the influences of their aggregation structure on the processes. The investigations will includes: (1) the photophysical properties of the target materials and the molecular excitation process of single molecule, while environmental conditions such as dispersion density and polarity of the solvents will be considered; molecular excitation process: formation and dissociation of charge transfer state in mixed or doped systems; (2) the conditions and the influencing factors in aggregation formation and structural reorganization; the spatial distribution of ordered structures within the materials; molecular excitation formation, migration and dissociation processes within different phases; (3) the conditions to prepare films with anisotropic molecular aligned structure via liquid crystalline phase; molecular excitation formation, migration and dissociation processes at the interfaces; (4) design, fabricate and optimize optoelectronic devices, and explore novel scientific methods to solve key problems and optimize device structures.
英文关键词: soft matter;excitation state;organic semiconductor;charge transfer complex;optoelectronic device