项目名称: 采用STATCOM改善笼型机风电场性能的关键技术研究
项目编号: No.51267015
项目类型: 地区科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 电工技术
项目作者: 王生铁
作者单位: 内蒙古工业大学
项目金额: 51万元
中文摘要: 本项目研究采用STATCOM来改善笼型机风电场低电压穿越能力、动态性能和电能质量的关键技术,使其满足新近颁布的国家风电接入标准的要求。研究三相不平衡时能够检测和补偿负序电流、有效抑制因负序电压引起过流的STATCOM控制器拓扑结构及针对其非线性特性的智能控制策略;研究间接转矩控制策略,在保证风电场低电压穿越能力和稳定性基础上,限制发电机电压恢复期间的电磁转矩,减小齿轮箱和传动装置的应力,延长其使用寿命;研究在三相电压不平衡、畸变及故障情况下能快速准确地检测出正序基波电压相位及提供正负序电压分量的高性能锁相环;建立包含STATCOM和风电场各环节的完整仿真模型及实验系统,通过仿真和实验研究验证所论控制策略及方法的正确性和可行性。这些关键技术问题的解决为该类风电场大规模接入提供必要的理论依据及技术支撑,具有重要的理论意义及实际应用价值,同时对双馈型及直驱型风电场也有参考价值。
中文关键词: 笼型机风电场;静止同步补偿器;低电压穿越;电能质量;锁相环
英文摘要: This project launches a research on the key technologies of STATCOM to improve low voltage ride through capability, dynamic performance and power quality of wind farm with squirrel cage induction generators, and makes them meet the technical rules of integrating wind farm into power grid recently promulgated by China. Both STATCOM's controller topology which can detect and compensate the negative current so as to effectively suppress STATCOM's overcurrent caused by negative-sequence voltage under the unbalanced three-phase voltage, and the intelligent control strategy for its nonlinear characteristics are studied in the project. In order to reduce the mechanical stresses of gear box and drive train and extend their lifetime, the indirect torque control strategy is investigated to control and limit the electromagnetic torque during the generator voltage recovery process under the conditions that low voltage ride through capability and stability of wind farm are guaranteed. The high-performance phase-locked loop is researched, which can quickly and accurately lock the phase of the positive sequence fundamental voltage and detect positive and negative sequence voltage components under the unbalanced, distorted and faulty three-phase voltages. The simulation model of whole system which contains both STATCOM and wind
英文关键词: wind farm with squirrel-cage induction generators;STATCOM;low voltage ride through;power quality;PLL