项目名称: 量子信用度与退相干及其在量子相变与混沌中的应用
项目编号: No.10874151
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2009
项目学科: 轻工业、手工业
项目作者: 王晓光
作者单位: 浙江大学
项目金额: 30万元
中文摘要: 量子保真度(信用度),量子退相干是量子信息论中的基本而重要的概念。我们研究了量子保真度,量子退相干及其在量子相变与量子混沌中的应用。2009-2011年间结合本项目的任务,我们的量子信息研究小组的工作主要集中在以下五个方面:(1)算符保真度和约化保真度及其应用;(2)Fisher 信息,量子相变,和量子混沌;(3)非马尔科夫动力学行为;(4)自旋压缩及其应用研究;(5)量子Discord的研究。特别的,我们完成了一篇评论性论文,发表在《Physics Reports》上,该论文系统介绍了量子自旋压缩的理论与实验,及其最新的进展。这些研究对量子信息理论有一定的推动作用,也为下一步深入的研究奠定了扎实的基础。
中文关键词: 保真度;退相干;量子纠缠;量子相变;量子混沌
英文摘要: Quantum fidelity and decoherence are fundamental and important concepts in quantum information theory. We have studied fidelity and decoherence, and their application in quantum phase transition and quantum chaos. Around the task of this project, the quantum information group has studied seven aspects of quantum information theory: (1)Operator fidelity, reduced fidelity, and their applications; (2)Fisher information, quantum phase transition, and quantum chaos; (3)Non-Markovian dynamics; (4)Spin squeezing and its application; (5)Study of quantum discord. Specifically, we finish a review paper on spin squeezing and it is published in 《Physics Reports》. In this paper, we systematically introduce the theory and experiments of spin squeezing and their recent progresses. These studies contribute to quantum information theory and pave a smooth way for next studies.
英文关键词: Fidelity;Decoherence;Quantum entanglement; Quantum Phase Transition; Quantum Chaos