项目名称: FAST相控阵馈源的系统建模及信号处理研究
项目编号: No.11273017
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 韩玉兵
作者单位: 南京理工大学
项目金额: 93万元
中文摘要: 射电天文望远镜设计的一个重要指标是视场,大视场意味着我们能够更有效地进行大范围的空间观测或搜索。相比传统的多波束波导喇叭馈源,相控阵馈源(PAF)能够扩大射电望远镜的视场和提高空间搜索速度。本课题针对国家重大科技基础设施500米球反射面射电望远镜(FAST),研究L波段大视场多波束PAF接收机的系统建模和信号处理,着重解决PAF系统的反射面、馈源阵列和噪声建模、微波组件的最优噪声匹配和信号处理方面的理论和设计问题。开发面向FAST的PAF系统建模和最优噪声匹配设计的软件仿真平台,完成PAF系统馈源阵列的设计。研究PAF宽带系统的数字相关、系统标定、波束形成和无线电干扰消除等信号处理关键算法,完成相应的FPGA开发。本基金项目是射电望远镜设计领域的一个前沿新技术课题,对其开展研究有着非常明确和迫切的应用需求,为将来在FAST射电望远镜中配置PAF接收机的实际应用奠定坚实的理论基础和设计经验。
中文关键词: 射电天文望远镜;500米球反射面射电望远镜;相控阵馈源;系统建模;阵列信号处理
英文摘要: For radio astronomical telescopes, the field of view is an important parameter to be concerned. The greater field of view means that we can observe or survey large-area sky much more efficiently. Relative to traditional multi-beam waveguide horn feeds, phased array feeds (PAF) for radio telescopes can increase the instrument field of view and sky survey speed. This project will support the research on L-band wide-field multi-beam receiver based on phased array feeds technique for the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope (FAST), which is one of the large research infrastructures in Chinese Academy of Sciences. The PAF modeling for reflector, array feeds and system noise, optimal noise matching for microwave components and signal processing will be stressed in this project. A software platform combined the PAF system modeling and optimal noise matching design will be developed, and the phased array feeds for FAST telescope will be designed by using this software platform. Some key signal processing algorithms, which include digital correlation, system calibration, beamforming and radio frequency interference (RFI) mitigation, will be proposed, and the field programmable gate array (FPGA) implementation for these algorithms will be carried on. This project is an advanced topic in the new technique
英文关键词: Radio Astronomical Telescopes;FAST;Phased Array Feeds;System Modeling;Array Signal Processing