项目名称: 中国鹿蛾类系统分类研究
项目编号: No.31471959
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 生物科学
项目作者: 武春生
作者单位: 中国科学院动物研究所
项目金额: 84万元
中文摘要: 鹿蛾类Ctenuchinina属于昆虫纲、鳞翅目、夜蛾总科、裳蛾科、灯蛾亚科, 包括两个族四个亚族,曾长期作为独立的鹿蛾科Ctenuchidae (= Syntomidae,Euchromidae,Amatidae)。一些种类为农林植食性害虫,有的种类被作为控制有害杂草(乌蔹莓)的有益昆虫,牧鹿蛾幼虫是蚧壳虫的天敌。由于个体斑纹和颜色变异较大而种属间的外形差异较小,鹿蛾类的分类区系研究进展缓慢,近缘种鉴定困难,影响到相关类群的整体研究和害虫的有效防治。本项目将全面、深入地开展对我国鹿蛾类区系的研究,期望摸清我国鹿蛾家底,解决长期困扰生产实践的分类疑难问题和种类鉴定问题。同时,将选取彩鹿蛾亚族的代表种,通过实验获取全序列,并进行基因注释,结合已有的线粒体基因全系列结果进行系统发育分析,探讨鹿蛾类的分类地位,同时为研究昆虫线粒体基因组的进化规律积累数据。
中文关键词: 鳞翅目;鹿蛾类;系统学;线粒体基因组;中国
英文摘要: Ctenuchinina (Lepidoptera, Noctuoidea, Erebidae, Arctiinae) includes four subtribes in two tribes, which was formerly treated as a family named Ctenuchidae(= Syntomidae, Euchromidae, Amatidae). Some species are phytophagous pests in agriculture and forest. Amata sp. is a benefit species for controlling the harmful weed (Cayratia japonica) and the larva of Amata pascus (Leech) is the natural enemy of scale insects. Therefore, the larvae and adults have great economic impact on crop production and forest protection. As the great variety in wing pattern and abdominal banding,the ambiguous situation of Ctenuchinina species identification has not completely changed yet, which still severely restricts the development of related disciplines.This project focuses on the systematic study of Ctenuchinina from China.We aim at identifying and discovering new species, clarifying the long-standing chaos of the classification systems, and establishing the identification system in China. On the bases of our previous studies on mitochondrial genomes, this project will select represent species of Ctenuchinina,sequence their mitochondrial genomes, combine with previous data, reconstruct the phylogenetic relationship of Arctiinae with the expectation for providing strong molecular evidence for taxonomic status of Ctenuchinina, simultaneously accumulate more data for the study of evolution of mitochondrial genomes of Insects.
英文关键词: Lepidoptera;Ctenuchinina;Systematics;complete mtgenome;China