项目名称: 超分辨太赫兹近场光学显微术
项目编号: No.U1230109
项目类型: 联合基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 物理学II
项目作者: 叶梅
作者单位: 华中科技大学
项目金额: 58万元
中文摘要: 提出突破衍射限的超分辨太赫兹波近场编码光谱成像术,用介质表面的有隐周期结构的金属膜或者独立的金属箔代替探针系统,免去了探针到目标间距的控制,还可以空出上部空间供其他探测装置联用。适用于生物、医学、材料半导体等多个领域。分辨率一般为码板上两相邻码元间距,被现代微纳制造水平决定,共享微纳制造成果给再提高分辨率以可能。本项目着重研究以做在金属膜上的亚波长小孔阵列为基础的,利用膜上表面等离激元增强透光能力的阿达玛变换光学成像与光谱的编码板的设计、制造、试验及应用问题。关键是:金属膜/小孔结构/隐周期小孔阵列的研究,三者紧密关联且本质地将近场理论、表面等离激元、阿达玛变换光学结合,核心是小孔结构及小孔构成的隐周期阵列。理论与实验进展表明,合适的异型小孔阵列能更好地利用表面等离激元亚波长光学的优点,具有一或者更大的透光效率,能更大促成太赫兹波段超分辨显微镜的实现。
中文关键词: 太赫兹;超分辨成像;阿达玛变换;压缩感知;
英文摘要: It is put forth to break through sub-diffraction resolution of THz near-field coding spectral imaging, to use dielectric surface with the implicit period structure of the metal film or an independent metal foil instead of probe system, by which pitch control between the probe and the target is eliminated, and the upper space can be free for the other detection device combined. This is applicable in many fields such as biology, medicine and material semi-conductor etc. Resolution is generally a code plate two adjacent holes spacing, which is limited by modern micro-nano manufacturing level, application of new micro-nano manufacturing level provides further possibility to improve resolution. This project is to focus on, in order to make the metal film on the sub-wavelength holes arrays based, using membrane surface plasmon enhanced light transmission power of Hadamard transform optical imaging and spectroscopy of the code plate design, manufacturing and application problem. The key is, metal film or foil on the independent pores structure, hidden periodic hole arrays in fabrication and performance study. They are closely integrated to each other, in essence, near field theory, surface plasmons and Hadamard transform optical combination. Theoretical and experimental progresses show that suitable irregular hole arra
英文关键词: Terahertz;Super-resolution imaging;Hadamard Transform;Compressed sensing;