项目名称: 酸碱胁迫对气雾培马铃薯微型薯的同步诱导及其块茎相关基因的表达模式研究
项目编号: No.31260470
项目类型: 地区科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 农业科学
项目作者: 李葵花
作者单位: 延边大学
项目金额: 45万元
中文摘要: 气雾培生产的微型薯虽然结署量较多,但影响有效微型薯数量。适当的酸碱胁迫即使在长日照、高温等不利结薯条件下,也能够同步诱导块茎而获得大量均匀有效的微型薯。本项目拟对气雾培不同环境(长、短日照,高温短日照)下生长的不同马铃薯品种的根际进行酸碱胁迫,观察比较匍匐茎的解剖学、形态学特性,提供从匍匐茎的形态结构来判断最佳酸碱胁迫处理时期的简单方法;构建PHYB、StSP6A的过量表达载体和干涉载体,将其转入到马铃薯中,探讨酸碱胁迫处理的不同品种及转基因植株中与激素相关GA2ox和PIN基因、光周期相关的PHYB和其下游miR 172基因及块茎形成相关的StBEL5、StSP6A、PATATIN基因在不同器官中的时空表达模式,为酸碱胁迫的匍匐茎形态结构奠定理论基础,同时分析基因之间以及基因与块茎形成之间相关性。研究成果可以指导生产大量有效微型薯,同时为研究匍匐茎膨大位点、块茎形成转录组提供理论依据。
中文关键词: 马铃薯微型薯;酸胁迫;气雾培;糖代谢;基因表达
英文摘要: Although there has been a numerours minituber of patato produced by aeroponics, the difference in their sizes has an effect on number of available minituber. A quite number of tubers and uniform available minituber have been induced and obtained by moderate acid-alkaline stress despite of some harmful conditions for tuber fromation like long day and high temperature. This project plans to carry out acid-alkaline stress on rhizospheres of different patato varieties under different conditions including long day, shot day and high temperature-long day, observation and comparasion between anatomic and morphological charactors of their stolons and provide a simple method to make judgement for a suitable stage of acid -alkaline stress treatment according to morphology of the stolon. Constructing excessive expression vector and interference carrier of PHYB and StSP6A and to transmit the vectors inside patato, and to discuss temporal-spatial expression models in different parts in hormone related GA2-oxidase among different varieties by acid-alkaline stress and transgenetic plants, PIN auxin transporter, photocycle related PHYB and downstream miR 172 gene and tuber-formation related StBEL5、StSP6A and PATATIN genes. And to lay a theoretical foundation for morphology of stolon by acid-alkaline stress and to make pre analy
英文关键词: Potato minituber;Acid stress;Aeroponics;Glycometabolism;Gene expression