项目名称: 面向用户的软件柔性度量及应用研究
项目编号: No.60873008
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2009
项目学科: 金属学与金属工艺
项目作者: 申利民
作者单位: 燕山大学
项目金额: 27万元
中文摘要: 软件柔性的基本含义是软件形态易于变化的能力,利用它可以适应用户需求变化和环境变化。本课题对软件柔性机理、规律和度量模型的研究成果,将促进度量与设计相结合,可以用于软件的不同类型、不同层次和不同范围的柔点设计、评估和分析中,有助于提升软件的应变能力,揭示软件柔性的机理和规律。 提出软件柔点的概念,将用户对软件的变化需求抽象为面向用户的柔点,用户通过柔点使软件的功能、行为和结构发生变化;定义了软件变化、柔性变化、柔点级别、操控难度、柔变范围等系列软件柔性核心要素,并给出了形式化描述。 构建了以柔点为核心,以操控难度、柔变范围、柔度、柔量为核心度量要素的柔点柔性的度量指标体系,提出了一个面向用户的、可操作强的、基于柔点的软件柔性度量模型,给出具有定量依据的柔点度量与设计路线图,设计一个可操作性强、适合工程应用的软件柔点分析、度量与优化平台。 应用柔点设计与度量模型,面向不同柔点,给出了多种柔性软件的开发方法、设计模型和框架。将软件柔性度量的思想引入了计算机教学领域,提出了计算机科学与技术专业柔性教育的理念、方法和技术,并以此为基础拓展申请获得省部课题2项。
中文关键词: 软件柔性;柔性度量;度量模型;柔点;柔性变化
英文摘要: Software flexibility is one of the properties that indicate whether the software is easy to change. It can be used to adapt to changes of user requirement and environment. The principles, the rules, and the measurement model of software flexibility have been investigated enough in the project. The research results will promote combination between software flexibility measurement and software design, and can be applied to the evaluation, design and analysis of the flexible points in different types, layers and scopes, which is beneficial to enhancing software ability adapting to change and revealing the mechanism and law of software flexibility. A user-oriented flexible point (FXP) is defined as a function which can cause software changes in functionality, activity or structure. Key factors in software flexibility such as flexible change, FXP level, manipulative difficultuy and flexible distance are set up and their formalization descriptions are given. Based on flexible points.A measurment model for user-oriented software flexibility has been brought forward, and its key factors of flexibility measurement are set up. The model is used to determine and calculate quantitative merits of a flexible point such as flexible degree, manipulative difficultuy and flexible distance. Furthermore, the measurement factors are combined with design factors and then a roadmap for measurement and design of flexible points are given. Finally, based on research results, a platform for the measurement and optimization of flexible points has been developed. Based on the model, the development methodes, implementation framework, and design models for diferent flexible points are built up. Meanwhile the model also applied to computer teaching reaerch. Based on the model, the development methodes, implementation framework, and design models for diferent flexible points are built up. Based on the model, the development methodes, implementation framework, and design models for diferent flexible points are built up. Meanwhile the model also applied to computer teaching reaerch. Methods, means and principles for flexible teaching and education are proposed. 3 research projects have evolved from those.
英文关键词: Software Flexibility;Flexibility Measurement;Measurement Model;Flexible Point; Flexible Change